Safari 100 Powerful Keyboard Shortcuts for Daily use

Safari Shortcuts streamline your browsing experience with quick, one-click access to your favorite websites, boosting efficiency and convenience in navigating the digital wilderness.

Safar Powerful Keyboard Shortcuts for Daily use

1. General Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + T: Open a new tab.
  • Cmd + W: Close the current tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Cmd + L: Highlight the URL/address bar.
  • Cmd + [Number]: Switch to a specific tab (Cmd + 1 for the first tab, and so on).

2. Page Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Spacebar: Scroll down a full screen.
  • Shift + Spacebar: Scroll up a full screen.
  • Cmd + Left Arrow: Go back a page.
  • Cmd + Right Arrow: Go forward a page.
  • Cmd + R: Reload the current page.

3. Bookmarks and History Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + D: Add the current page to bookmarks.
  • Cmd + Opt + B: Show/hide the bookmarks bar.
  • Cmd + Y: Open the History panel.
  • Cmd + Opt + 2: Open the Downloads panel.

4. Tab Management Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Shift + N: Open a new private browsing window.
  • Cmd + Opt + E: Show/hide the sidebar.
  • Cmd + Shift + ]: Switch to the next tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + [: Switch to the previous tab.
  • Cmd + Opt + F: Toggle full-screen mode.

5. Search and Find Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + F: Open the Find bar.
  • Cmd + G: Find the next occurrence.
  • Cmd + Shift + G: Find the previous occurrence.
  • Cmd + Opt + F: Open the Find bar to search within the page.

6. Developer Tools Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Opt + I: Open the Developer Tools.
  • Cmd + Opt + U: View the page source.

7. Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + T: Open a new tab.
  • Cmd + W: Close the current tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Cmd + L: Highlight the address bar for quick typing.

8. Page Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + R: Reload the current page.
  • Cmd + Click on Link: Open link in a new tab.
  • Cmd + Opt + Arrow (Left/Right): Navigate back/forward.
  • Cmd + [ or ]: Switch between open tabs.

9. Tab Management Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Shift + [ or ]: Cycle through open tabs backward/forward.
  • Cmd + 1-9: Switch to a specific tab (1-9).
  • Cmd + Opt + F: Toggle full-screen mode.

10. Bookmark Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + D: Add the current page to bookmarks.
  • Cmd + Opt + B: Show/hide bookmarks bar.

11. Search Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + F: Open the find bar to search within the page.
  • Cmd + Opt + F: Open a new Safari window with a Spotlight search.

12. History Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Y: Open the History window.
  • Cmd + Opt + 2: Reopen the last closed window.

13. Miscellaneous Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + ,: Open Safari preferences.
  • Cmd + Opt + E: Email the current page.
  • Cmd + Opt + I: Show or hide the Web Inspector.

14. Navigation Shortcuts

  • Command + L: Jump to the address bar.
  • Command + [: Go back to the previous page.
  • Command + ]: Go forward to the next page.
  • Command + R: Refresh the current page.
  • Command + T: Open a new tab.
  • Command + W: Close the current tab.
  • Command + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Command + Shift + N: Open a new private browsing window.
  • Command + Shift + ]: Cycle through open tabs to the right.
  • Command + Shift + [: Cycle through open tabs to the left.

15. Tab Management Shortcuts

  • Command + 1-9: Switch between open tabs (1-9).
  • Command + Option + ←/→: Switch to the tab to the left/right.
  • Command + Shift + W: Close all open tabs.
  • Command + Click: Open a link in a new tab.
  • Command + Shift + Click: Open a link in a new tab and switch to it.

16. Page Interaction Shortcuts

  • Space: Scroll down a full page.
  • Shift + Space: Scroll up a full page.
  • Command + +: Zoom in.
  • Command + –: Zoom out.
  • Command + 0: Reset zoom level.
  • Command + F: Find on page.
  • Command + G: Find next occurrence.
  • Command + Shift + G: Find previous occurrence.

17. History and Bookmarks Shortcuts

  • Command + Y: Open the History sidebar.
  • Command + Option + B: Show or hide the bookmarks sidebar.
  • Command + Shift + H: Show the history in a new tab.
  • Command + D: Bookmark the current page.

18. Miscellaneous Shortcuts

  • Command +: Open preferences.
  • Command + Shift + Delete: Open Clear History dialog.
  • Command + Option + E: Toggle the Extensions sidebar.

19. General Navigation:

  • Cmd + T: Open a new tab.
  • Cmd + W: Close the current tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Cmd + L: Highlight the URL in the address bar for quick typing.
  • Cmd + R: Refresh the current page.

20. Tab Management:

  • Cmd + 1-9: Switch between open tabs (1-9 corresponds to the tab number).
  • Cmd + Shift + ]: Move to the next tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + [: Move to the previous tab.

21. Page Navigation:

  • Space: Scroll down a full page.
  • Shift + Space: Scroll up a full page.
  • Cmd + Arrow Right: Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  • Cmd + Arrow Left: Scroll to the top of the page.


  • Cmd + D: Add the current page to your bookmarks.
  • Cmd + Option + B: Show/hide the bookmarks bar.

23. History:

  • Cmd + Y: Open the History panel.
  • Cmd + Shift + Delete: Open the Clear History dialog.

24. Searching:

  • Cmd + F: Open the Find bar to search for text on the current page.
  • Cmd + Option + F: Open the Find bar to search for text in links only.

25. Developer Tools:

  • Cmd + Option + I: Open Developer Tools.
  • Cmd + Option + U: Open Page Source.

26. Miscellaneous:

  • Cmd + ,: Open Safari Preferences.
  • Cmd + Shift + N: Open a new Private Window.
  • Cmd + Shift + A: Open the Activity window to see all resources loaded on a page.

27. Ctrl + Tab: Switch between tabs

    • Use this shortcut to cycle through open tabs in Safari.

28. Cmd + L: Highlight the URL bar

    • Quickly select the address bar to type in a new URL.

29. Cmd + T: Open a new tab

    • Easily open a new tab without using the mouse.

30. Cmd + W: Close the current tab

    • Close the active tab with this keyboard shortcut.

31. Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab

    • If you accidentally closed a tab, use this shortcut to reopen it.

32. Cmd + D: Add the current page to bookmarks

    • Save the current page as a bookmark for easy access later.

33. Cmd + Shift + D: Show or hide the bookmarks bar

    • Toggle the visibility of the bookmarks bar for a cleaner interface.

34. Cmd + Opt + F: Enable or disable full-screen mode

    • Maximize your browsing experience or exit full-screen mode with this shortcut.

35. Cmd + Shift + N: Open a new private window

    • Start a new browsing session in private mode for increased privacy.

36. Cmd + R: Reload the current page

    • Refresh the content on the current page with this shortcut.

37. Cmd + Click: Open a link in a new tab

    • Open a link in a new background tab without leaving the current page.

38. Cmd + Opt + Click: Open a link in a new tab and switch to it

    • Open a link in a new tab and immediately switch to the newly opened tab.

39. Cmd + Shift + R: Reload the page without cache

    • Refresh the page, ignoring cached content for a fresh load.

40. Cmd +, (comma): Open Safari preferences

    • Access Safari settings and preferences quickly.

41. Cmd + 1-9: Switch to a specific tab

    • Jump directly to a tab by pressing the corresponding number key.

42. Cmd + H: Hide Safari

    • Minimize Safari to the dock without closing it.

43. Cmd + Opt + E: Email this page

    • Open the default email client with the current page as an attachment.

44. Cmd + Opt + I: Show or hide the web inspector

    • Open the web inspector for advanced page analysis.

45. Cmd + Shift + B: Show or hide the bookmarks sidebar

    • Toggle the visibility of the bookmarks sidebar for a more organized view.

46. Cmd + Opt + 1: Show or hide the sidebar

    • Toggle the sidebar, which includes bookmarks, reading list, and shared links.

47. Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Open a New Tab:
    • Shortcut: Command + T
    • Explanation: Quickly open a new tab to start a new browsing session.
  • Close Tab:
    • Shortcut: Command + W
    • Explanation: Close the currently active tab.
  • Switch Between Tabs:
    • Shortcut: Command + Shift + Right Arrow/Left Arrow
    • Explanation: Move between open tabs.
  • Reopen Closed Tab:
    • Shortcut: Command + Shift + T
    • Explanation: Reopen the last closed tab.

48. Page Control Shortcuts:

  • Reload Page:
    • Shortcut: Command + R
    • Explanation: Refresh the current webpage.
  • Stop Loading Page:
    • Shortcut: Command + . (period)
    • Explanation: Halt the page loading process.
  • Find on Page:
    • Shortcut: Command + F
    • Explanation: Open the search bar to find specific text on the current page.

49. Bookmarks and History Shortcuts:

  • Show Bookmarks Sidebar:
    • Shortcut: Command + Option + B
    • Explanation: Toggle the bookmarks sidebar for easy access.
  • Open Bookmarks:
    • Shortcut: Command + Option + 1-9
    • Explanation: Open bookmarks in the bookmarks bar (number corresponds to the position).
  • Open History:
    • Shortcut: Command + Y
    • Explanation: View your browsing history.

50. Address Bar Shortcuts:

  • Open Location in New Tab:
    • Shortcut: Command + Return
    • Explanation: Open the typed URL in a new tab.
  • Complete .com Address:
    • Shortcut: Control + Return
    • Explanation: Automatically add “.com” to the end of the address.
  • Jump to Address Bar:
    • Shortcut: Command + L
    • Explanation: Quickly focus on the address bar for typing.

51. Miscellaneous Shortcuts:

  • Toggle Reader Mode:
    • Shortcut: Command + Shift + R
    • Explanation: Simplify and declutter the webpage for easier reading.
  • Add to Reading List:
    • Shortcut: Shift + Command + D
    • Explanation: Save the current page to your Reading List

52. General Navigation:

  • Command + T: Open a new tab.
    • Usage: Quickly open a new browsing tab.
  • Command + W: Close the current tab.
    • Usage: Close the active tab without closing the entire browser.
  • Command + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
    • Usage: Restore the most recently closed tab.
  • Command + Option + I: Open the Web Inspector.
    • Usage: Access the developer tools to inspect elements, debug, and analyze web pages.

53. Page Navigation:

  • Command + R: Refresh the current page.
    • Usage: Reload the current webpage.
  • Command + [: Go back to the previous page.
    • Usage: Navigate back to the previous page in your browsing history.
  • Command + ]: Go forward to the next page.
    • Usage: Navigate forward in your browsing history.

54. Tabs and Windows:

  • Command + Shift + N: Open a new private browsing window.
    • Usage: Start a new Safari window in private browsing mode.
  • Command + Shift + ]: Cycle through open tabs to the right.
    • Usage: Switch to the next tab to the right.
  • Command + Shift + [: Cycle through open tabs to the left.
    • Usage: Switch to the next tab to the left.
  • Command + Shift + W: Close the current window.
    • Usage: Close the entire Safari window.


  • Command + D: Add the current page to your bookmarks.
    • Usage: Quickly save the current webpage to your bookmarks.
  • Command + 1-9: Open a bookmark from the Bookmarks Bar.
    • Usage: Open a bookmark from the bookmarks bar by pressing the corresponding number (1-9).

57. Search and Address Bar:

  • Command + L: Highlight the URL in the address bar.
    • Usage: Quickly select the URL in the address bar for editing or copying.
  • Command + Enter: Automatically add “www.” and “.com” to a website name in the address bar and open the site.
    • Usage: Streamline the process of navigating to a website.

58. Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + L: Go to the Address Bar
    • Use this shortcut to quickly focus on the address bar and type a new URL.
  • Cmd + T: Open a New Tab
    • Instantly opens a new, empty tab for your browsing convenience.
  • Cmd + W: Close Tab
    • Closes the currently active tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen Closed Tab
    • Reopens the last closed tab. You can use this repeatedly to restore closed tabs in the order they were closed.
  • Cmd + [Number]: Switch Between Tabs
    • Jump to a specific tab by pressing Cmd and a number key corresponding to the tab’s position.

59. Page Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Space: Scroll Down
    • Scroll down one full screen on the current page.
  • Shift + Space: Scroll Up
    • Scrolls up one full screen on the current page.
  • Cmd + R: Reload Page
    • Refreshes the current webpage.

60. History and Bookmarks Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Y: Show History
    • Opens the History sidebar for quick access to your browsing history.
  • Cmd + D: Add Bookmark
    • Adds the current webpage to your bookmarks.
  • Cmd + Option + B: Show or Hide Bookmarks Bar
    • Toggles the visibility of the bookmarks bar.

61. Miscellaneous Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + ,: Open Preferences
    • Quickly opens the Safari Preferences where you can customize browser settings.
  • Cmd + Shift + I: Show or Hide Web Inspector
    • Opens or closes the Web Inspector, allowing you to inspect the HTML and CSS of the current webpage.
  • Cmd + + or Cmd + – : Zoom In/Out
    • Increases or decreases the zoom level of the webpage.
  • Cmd + Shift + Delete: Clear History
    • Opens the “Clear History” dialog for removing your browsing history.

62. Basic Navigation:

  • Open New Window:
    • Shortcut: Command + N
    • Explanation: Opens a new Safari window.
  • Open New Tab:
    • Shortcut: Command + T
    • Explanation: Opens a new tab in the current Safari window.
  • Close Tab:
    • Shortcut: Command + W
    • Explanation: Closes the currently active tab.
  • Reopen Closed Tab:
    • Shortcut: Command + Z
    • Explanation: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Next Tab:
    • Shortcut: Command + Option + Right Arrow
    • Explanation: Switch to the next open tab to the right.
  • Previous Tab:
    • Shortcut: Command + Option + Left Arrow
    • Explanation: Switch to the next open tab to the left.

63. Page Navigation:

  • Reload Page:
    • Shortcut: Command + R
    • Explanation: Reloads the current webpage.
  • Stop Loading:
    • Shortcut: Command + . (period)
    • Explanation: Stops the current webpage from loading.
  • Go to Address Bar:
    • Shortcut: Command + L
    • Explanation: Place the cursor in the address bar for quick navigation.
  • Open Link in New Tab:
  • Shortcut: Command + Click on Link
  • Explanation: Opens a hyperlink in a new tab.
  1. Add to Reading List:
  • Shortcut: Shift + Command + D
  • Explanation: Adds the current page to your Reading List.

64. Page Interaction:

  • Zoom In:
  • Shortcut: Command + Plus Sign (+)
  • Explanation: Zooms in on the webpage.
  • Zoom Out:
  • Shortcut: Command + Minus Sign (-)
  • Explanation: Zooms out on the webpage.
  • Actual Size:
  • Shortcut: Command + 0 (zero)
  • Explanation: Restores the webpage to its actual size.
  • Find on Page:
  • Shortcut: Command + F
  • Explanation: Opens the search bar to find text on the current page.

65. Basic Navigation:

  • Cmd + L: Highlight the address bar, allowing you to type a new URL.
  • Cmd + Enter: Open the entered URL in a new tab.
  • Cmd + W: Close the current tab.
  • Cmd + T: Open a new tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Cmd + [ or ]: Switch between open tabs.
  • Cmd + Shift + N: Open a new private window.

66. Page Navigation:

  • Cmd + R: Reload the current page.
  • Cmd + Opt + R: Reload the page without using the cache.
  • Cmd + Click: Open a link in a new tab.
  • Cmd + Opt + F: Enter/Exit full-screen mode.
  • Cmd + 1, 2, 3, …: Switch between tabs by number.

67. History and Bookmarks:

  • Cmd + Y: Open the History sidebar.
  • Cmd + Opt + B: Show or hide the bookmarks bar.
  • Cmd + D: Add the current page to your bookmarks.
  • Cmd + Shift + B: Show or hide the bookmarks sidebar.
  • Cmd + Opt + 1, 2, 3, …: Open bookmarked pages in the bookmarks bar.

68. Tab Management:

  • Cmd + Shift + Click: Open a link in a new tab and switch to it.
  • Cmd + Opt + Click: Open a link in a new tab in the background.
  • Cmd + W (with multiple tabs open): Close the current tab.
  • Cmd + Opt + W (with multiple tabs open): Close all tabs except the current one.

69. Find on Page:

  • Cmd + F: Open the find bar to search for text on the current page.
  • Cmd + G: Find the next occurrence of the searched text.
  • Cmd + Opt + F: Find and replace text on the current page.

70. Miscellaneous:

  • Cmd + ,: Open the preferences window.
  • Cmd + Opt + I: Open the Web Inspector to inspect the current page.
  • Cmd + Shift + Delete: Open the Clear History window.
  • Cmd + Opt + E: Email the current page.
  • Cmd + Shift + 3: Take a screenshot of the entire page.
  • Cmd + Opt + L: Show or hide the downloads window.

71. General Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + T: Open a new tab.
  • Cmd + W: Close the current tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Cmd + L: Highlight the URL/address bar.
  • Cmd + N: Open a new window.
  • Cmd + Shift + N: Open a new private window.
  • Cmd + R: Reload the current page.
  • Cmd + D: Add the current website to bookmarks.
  • Cmd + Option + F: Show or hide the Favorites bar.
  • Cmd +, (comma): Open Safari preferences.

72. Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Left Arrow: Go back a page.
  • Cmd + Right Arrow: Go forward a page.
  • Cmd + [Number]: Switch to a specific tab (e.g., Cmd + 1 for the first tab).
  • Cmd + Shift + [: Cycle through previous tabs.
  • Cmd + Shift + ]: Cycle through next tabs.

73. Reading and Text Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + + (plus): Zoom in.
  • Cmd + – (minus): Zoom out.
  • Cmd + 0: Reset zoom level to default.
  • Cmd + F: Open the find bar to search for text on the current page.
  • Cmd + G: Find the next occurrence in the find bar.
  • Cmd + Shift + G: Find the previous occurrence in the find bar.

74. Page Interaction Shortcuts:

  • Space Bar: Scroll down a full screen.
  • Shift + Space Bar: Scroll up a full screen.
  • Cmd + Click: Open a link in a new tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + Click: Open a link in a new window.
  • Cmd + Option + E: Email the current page.
  • Cmd + I: Show or hide the Reading List sidebar.

75. Developer Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Option + C: Open the Web Inspector.
  • Cmd + Option + I: Open or close Developer Tools.

76. Tab Management Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Shift + N: Open a new private browsing window.
  • Cmd + Option + W: Close all tabs except the current one.
  • Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + N: Open a new window in Private Browsing mode.
  • Cmd + Shift + W: Close the current window.

77. General Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + T: Open a new tab.
  • Cmd + W: Close the current tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Cmd + 1-9: Switch between open tabs.
  • Cmd + L: Jump to the address bar for quick navigation.
  • Cmd + Shift + N: Open a new private window.
  • Cmd + R: Refresh the current page.
  • Cmd + Click: Open a link in a new tab.
  • Cmd + Opt + F: Open the search box.

78. Page Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Spacebar: Scroll down a full page.
  • Shift + Spacebar: Scroll up a full page.
  • Cmd + [: Go back one page in your browsing history.
  • Cmd + ]: Go forward one page in your browsing history.
  • Cmd + Up Arrow: Scroll to the top of the page.
  • Cmd + Down Arrow: Scroll to the bottom of the page.

79. Tab Management Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Shift + ]: Cycle through open tabs to the right.
  • Cmd + Shift + [: Cycle through open tabs to the left.
  • Cmd + Opt + T: Show or hide the tab bar.
  • Cmd + Shift + Delete: Open the Clear History dialog.
  • Cmd + Opt + E: Close all tabs except the current one.

80. Bookmarks and History Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + D: Add the current page to bookmarks.
  • Cmd + Opt + B: Show or hide the bookmarks bar.
  • Cmd + Y: Open the History sidebar.
  • Cmd + Opt + 2: Show all bookmarks.

81. Webpage Interaction Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Opt + I: Open the Page Info window.
  • Cmd + Click + Drag: Save an image from a webpage.
  • Cmd + Opt + U: Show the page source.

82. Form and Text Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + F: Open the find bar to search for text on the current page.
  • Cmd + G: Find the next occurrence of the searched text.
  • Cmd + Opt + F: Jump to the search field.

83. Basic Navigation:

  • Cmd + T: Open a new tab.
  • Cmd + W: Close the current tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Cmd + L: Highlight the URL in the address bar.
  • Cmd + R: Reload the current page.
  • Cmd + [number]: Switch to a specific tab.
  • Cmd + Click: Open a link in a new tab.
  • Cmd + Opt + F: Show or hide the Favorites bar.

84. Tab Management:

  • Cmd + Shift + N: Open a new private window.
  • Cmd + Opt + E: Show or hide the sidebar.
  • Cmd + Opt + ] / [: Switch between open tabs.
  • Cmd + Shift + ] / [: Cycle through tabs in reverse order.

85. Page Interaction:

  • Space: Scroll down a full page.
  • Shift + Space: Scroll up a full page.
  • Cmd + Click on a link: Open link in a new tab.
  • Cmd + Opt + Click on a link: Open link in a new tab and activate it.
  • Cmd + + / -: Zoom in or out on the page.
  • Cmd + 0: Reset page zoom to default.

86. History and Bookmarks:

  • Cmd + Y: Show History.
  • Cmd + Opt + B: Show or hide the Bookmarks bar.
  • Cmd + D: Add the current page to your bookmarks.
  • Cmd + Opt + 1 / 2 / 3: Show bookmarks in the bookmarks bar.
  • Cmd + Opt + L: Open the Downloads page.

87. Searching:

  • Cmd + F: Open the Find bar to search for text on the page.
  • md + Opt + F: Open the Find bar to search in the current page or all open tabs.

88. Miscellaneous:

  • Cmd + ,: Open Safari preferences.
  • Cmd + Opt + E: Show or hide the sidebar.
  • Cmd + Opt + I: Show or hide the Web Inspector.

89. Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + T: Open a new tab.
  • Cmd + W: Close the current tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Cmd + [number]: Switch to a specific tab (e.g., Cmd + 1 for the first tab).
  • Cmd + Opt + E: Show or hide the sidebar.

90. Page Interaction Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + R: Reload the current page.
  • Cmd + Opt + R: Reload the page without cache.
  • Cmd + Click: Open a link in a new tab.
  • Cmd + Opt + Click: Open a link in a new window.
  • Cmd + L: Highlight the URL for quick input.

91. Reading and Viewing Shortcuts:

  • Spacebar: Scroll down on a webpage.
  • Shift + Spacebar: Scroll up on a webpage.
  • Cmd + Opt + F: Enter or exit full-screen mode.
  • Cmd + Plus (+) or Cmd + Minus (-): Zoom in or out.
  • Cmd + 0: Reset zoom to default.

92. Search and Address Bar Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Enter: Add www. and .com to a typed address, then load the page.
  • Cmd + Opt + F: Focus on the search bar.
  • Cmd + K: Move the cursor to the search bar with a ‘?’ to perform a search.
  • Cmd + Opt + L: Show or hide the Downloads window.
  • Cmd + .: Stop loading a page.

93. Tab Management Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + Shift + ‘]’: Switch to the next tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + ‘[‘: Switch to the previous tab.
  • Cmd + Opt + ]: Move forward through your open tabs.
  • Cmd + Opt + [: Move backward through your open tabs.
  • Cmd + Shift + W: Close all open tabs.

94. Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Command + T: Open a new tab.
  • Command + W: Close the current tab.
  • Command + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Command + Option + F: Enter/exit full-screen mode.
  • Command + [Number]: Switch to a specific tab.

95. Page Control Shortcuts:

  • Command + R: Reload the current page.
  • Command + Option + E: Show/hide the sidebar.
  • Command + L: Highlight the URL for quick typing.
  • Command + click link: Open a link in a new tab.
  • Command + Option + I: Open or close the Inspector for web development.

96. Reading and Viewing Shortcuts:

  • Spacebar: Scroll down a full screen.
  • Shift + Spacebar: Scroll up a full screen.
  • Command + 0: Reset the page zoom to default.
  • Command + Plus (+) or Minus (-): Zoom in or out on a webpage.
  • Command + Option + 1: Show or hide the Bookmarks bar.

97. Tab Management Shortcuts:

  • Command + Shift + N: Open a new private window.
  • Command + Shift + [ or ]: Switch to the previous or next tab.
  • Command + Shift + Delete: Open the Clear History dialog.
  • Command + Shift + T: Restore the last closed tab.
  • Command + Option + Shift + Right Arrow: Open a new tab to the right.

98. Search and Find Shortcuts:

  • Command + F: Open the find bar.
  • Command + G: Find the next occurrence.
  • Command + Shift + G: Find the previous occurrence.
  • Command + Option + F: Open the search bar.
  • Command + Option + E: Use selection for Find.

99. Miscellaneous Shortcuts:

  • Command +: Open the Safari preferences.
  • Command + Shift +: Toggle the Reader view.
  • Command + Option + R: Show or hide the Reading List sidebar.
  • Command + Option + P: Show or hide the Preview of a page.
  • Command + Y: Show the Web Inspector.

100. Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Cmd + T: Open a new tab.
  • Cmd + W: Close the current tab.
  • Cmd + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  • Cmd + L: Jump to the address bar for quick navigation.
  • Cmd + [number]: Switch to a specific tab (e.g., Cmd + 1 for the first tab).

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