Internet Explorer 100 Powerful Keyboard Shortcuts for Daily use

Effortlessly navigate the web with Internet Explorer using shortcuts like Ctrl+T to open a new tab or Ctrl+D to bookmark your favorite sites, streamlining your browsing experience.

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 Navigation Shortcuts

1. Ctrl + N: Open a new window

  • Opens a new instance of Internet Explorer.

2.  Ctrl + T: Open a new tab

  • Opens a new tab within the current browser window.

3. Ctrl + Shift + P: Open a new InPrivate browsing window

  •  Open a new window that doesn’t save your browsing history.

4. Alt + D: Move focus to the address bar

  • Highlights the address bar, allowing you to type in a new URL.

5. Ctrl + Enter: Add “www.” and “.com” to the address bar text

  • Completes the URL with common prefixes and suffixes.

6. Alt + Enter: Open a new tab with the current address

  •  Opens the current website in a new tab.

 Tab Shortcuts

7. Ctrl + Tab: Switch between tabs

  •  Cycles through open tabs from left to right.

8. Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch between tabs in reverse

  •  Cycles through open tabs from right to left.

9. Ctrl + W: Close the current tab

  •  Closes the currently active tab.

10. Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab

  •  Reopen the most recently closed tab.

 Page Shortcuts

11. Ctrl + F: Find on page

  •  Opens the Find bar, allowing you to search for specific text on the current page.

12. Ctrl + P: Print the current page

  •  Opens the Print dialog for the current webpage.

13. Ctrl + S: Save the current page

  • Saves the current webpage as a file.

 Zoom and View Shortcuts

14. Ctrl + +: Zoom in

  •  Enlarge the content on the current webpage.

15. Ctrl + -: Zoom out

  •  Shrinks the content on the current webpage.

16. Ctrl + 0: Reset zoom level

  •  Resets the zoom level to default.

17. F11: Toggle full-screen mode

  •  Switches between full-screen and normal mode.

 History and Bookmarks Shortcuts

18. Ctrl + H: Open the History pane

  •  Displays the browsing history.

19.. Ctrl + D: Add the current site to Favorites or Reading List

  • Opens the “Add a Favorite” dialog.

20. Ctrl + Shift + B: Open the Favorites Bar

  •  Shows or hides the Favorites Bar.

Miscellaneous Shortcuts

21. Ctrl + O: Open a file

  • Opens a file from your computer.

22. Ctrl + J: Open the Downloads pane

  • Displays the list of downloaded files.

23. Alt + X: Open the Tools menu

  • Opens the Tools menu for various options.

24. F5: Refresh the current page

  • Reloads the current webpage.

25. Ctrl + Shift + Del: Open the Delete Browsing History dialog

  • Allows you to delete browsing history, cookies, and more.

26. Ctrl + Shift + N: Open a new session

  • Starts a new browser session with no add-ons.

27. Alt + Home: Go to your homepage

  • Navigate to your designated homepage.

28. Spacebar: Scroll down a full page

  • Scroll down the page one full screen.

29. Shift + Spacebar: Scroll up a full page

  • Scrolls up the page one full screen.

30. Alt + Left Arrow: Go back

  • Navigate back to the previous page.

31. Alt + Right Arrow: Go forward

  • Navigate forward to the next page.

32. Ctrl + Shift + I: Open the Favorites Center

  • Opens the Favorites, Feeds, and History pane.

33. Ctrl + Shift + A: Open the Add-ons window

  • Displays the Manage Add-ons window.

34. Alt + C: Open the Compatibility View settings

  • Manages compatibility settings for the current webpage.

35. Ctrl + Shift + U: Open the Feeds pane

  • Displays feeds from the current webpage.

36. Ctrl + Shift + R: Start or stop the Reading view

  • Activates or deactivates Reading view for the current webpage.

37. Alt + Z: Toggle the menu bar

  • Shows or hides the menu bar.

38. Ctrl + Shift + L: Open the Organize Favorites dialog

  • Manages your bookmarked websites.

39. Ctrl + Shift + M: Open the Feed Reading view

  • Switches to the Feed Reading view.

40. Ctrl + Shift + J: Open the View Downloads window

41. Ctrl + Alt + L: Open the ActiveX Filtering settings

  •  Manages ActiveX Filtering settings for the current webpage.

42. Ctrl + Shift + K: Open the Developer Tools

  • Opens the Developer Tools for web development.

43. Alt + Down Arrow: Open a selected link in a new tab

  • Opens a link in a new tab without switching to it.

44. Ctrl + Shift + E: Open the F12 Developer Tools

  • Opens the F12 Developer Tools for advanced web development.

45. Ctrl + Shift + M: Open the Inspect Element tool

  • Allows you to inspect and modify the HTML and CSS of a webpage.

46. Ctrl + F12: Open the Print Preview window

  • Displays a preview of the printed page.

47. Ctrl + Alt + I: Open the Internet Options window

  • Opens the Internet Options for configuring browser settings.

48. Ctrl + Alt + P: Open the InPrivate Browsing window

  • Opens a new window for private browsing.

49. Ctrl + Shift + H: Open the History tab

  • Switches to the History tab.

50. Ctrl + Shift + F: Open the Feed tab

  • Switches to the Feed tab.

 Navigation Shortcuts:

51. Ctrl + N:

  • Open a new browser window.

52. Ctrl + T:

  • Open a new browser tab.

53. Ctrl + W:

  • Close the current tab.

54. Ctrl + Shift + T:

  • Reopen the last closed tab.

55. Ctrl + Tab:

  • Switch to the next tab.

56. Ctrl + Shift + Tab:

  • Switch to the previous tab.

57. Ctrl + 1 to 8:

  • Switch to a specific tab (Ctrl + 1 for the first tab, Ctrl + 2 for the second, and so on).

58. Ctrl + 9:

  • Switch to the last tab.

59. Alt + Left Arrow:

  • Go back in browsing history.

60. Alt + Right Arrow:

  • Go forward in browsing history.

 Page Shortcuts:

61. F5 or Ctrl + R:

  • Refresh the current page.

62. Ctrl + F5:

  • Refresh the page and bypass the cache.

63. Ctrl + P:

  • Print the current page.

64. Ctrl + S:

  • Save the current page.

65. Ctrl + + or Ctrl + Scroll Up:

  • Zoom in.

66. Ctrl + – or Ctrl + Scroll Down:

  • Zoom out.

67. Ctrl + 0:

  • Reset the zoom level to default.

68. Spacebar:

  • Scroll down a full screen.

69. Shift + Spacebar:

  • Scroll up a full screen.

70. Home:

  • Go to the top of the page.

71. End:

  • Go to the bottom of the page.

72 . Ctrl + L or Alt + D or F6:

  • Select the address bar.

73. Ctrl + Enter:

  • Add “www.” and “.com” to the text in the address bar, then go to the site.

74. Ctrl + Shift + Enter:

  • Add “www.” and “.org” to the text in the address bar, then go to the site.

75. Ctrl + Shift + L:

  • Open the address bar with the active tab’s web address.

76. Ctrl + E:

  • Open a new tab and set focus on the search box.

 Miscellaneous Shortcuts:

78. Ctrl + H:

  • Open the browsing history.

79. Ctrl + J:

  • Open the download history.

80. Ctrl + Shift + Delete:

  • Open the Clear Browsing Data dialog.

81. Ctrl + Shift + B: Show or hide the bookmarks bar.

  • F11: Toggle full-screen mode.

82. Ctrl + O:

  • Open a file from your computer.

83. Ctrl + U:

  • View page source.

84. Ctrl + F:

  • Find on page.

85. F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I:

  • Open Developer Tools.

 Tab Management:

86. Ctrl + Shift + N:

  • Open a new browser window in incognito/private mode.

87. Ctrl + Shift + P:

  • Open a new private browsing window.

88. Ctrl + Shift + B:

  • Toggle the bookmarks bar on or off.

89. Ctrl + Shift + Del:

  • Open the Clear Browsing Data dialog.

90. Ctrl + Shift + J:

  • Open the Developer Tools.

Text Manipulation:

91. Ctrl + A:

  • Select all text on the page.

92. Ctrl + C:

  • Copy selected text.

93. Ctrl + X:

  • Cut selected text.

94. Ctrl + V:

  • Paste copied or cut text.

95. Ctrl + Z:

  • Undo the last action.

96. Ctrl + Y:

  • Redo the last undone action.

 Mouse Shortcuts:

97. Middle Click on Link:

  • Open link in a new tab.

98. Ctrl + Left Click on Tab:

  • Detach a tab into a new window.

99. Ctrl + Shift + Left Click on Link:

  • Open link in a new tab and switch to it.

100. Ctrl + Shift + Left Click on Reload Button:

  • Bypass cache and reload.


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