[Top 100] Windows 11 Powerful Keyboard Shortcuts for Daily use

Effortlessly navigate with the new Windows 11 shortcut, streamlining tasks and enhancing productivity with a simple keystroke.


1. Windows Key (Win):

  • Explanation: Opens or closes the Start Menu.

2. Win + A:

  • Explanation: Opens the Action Center, where you can access notifications and quick settings.

3. Win + D:

  • Explanation: Minimizes or restores all open windows, showing the desktop.

4. Win + E:

  • Explanation: Opens File Explorer for quick access to files and folders.

5. Win + I:

  • Explanation: Opens the Settings menu.

6. Win + L:

  • Explanation: Locks the computer, requiring a password to unlock.

7. Win + S:

  • Explanation: Opens the Search menu.

8. Win + Tab:

  • Explanation: Activates Task View, allowing you to see and switch between open applications.

9. Win + Number (1-9):

  • Explanation: Opens or switches to the application in the corresponding position on the taskbar.

10. Win + Ctrl + D:

  • Explanation: Creates a new virtual desktop.

11. Win + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow:

  • Explanation: Switches between virtual desktops.

12. Win + Shift + S:

  • Explanation: Opens the snipping tool for capturing screenshots.

13. Alt + Tab:

  • Explanation: Switches between open applications.

14. Alt + F4:

  • Explanation: Closes the active window or application.

15. Ctrl + C:

  • Explanation: Copies the selected item.

16. Ctrl + X:

  • Explanation: Cuts the selected item.

17. Ctrl + V:

  • Explanation: Pastes the copied or cut item.

18. Ctrl + Z:

  • Explanation: Undoes the last action.

19. Ctrl + Y:

  • Explanation: Redoes the last undone action.

20. Ctrl + Shift + Esc:

  • Explanation: Opens Task Manager.

21. Ctrl + Shift + N:

  • Explanation: Create a new folder in File Explorer.

22. Ctrl + A:

  • Explanation: Select all items in the current window.

23. Ctrl + Shift + A:

  • Explanation: Select all text in a document or input field.

24. Ctrl + F:

  • Explanation: Opens the Find dialog for searching.

25. Ctrl + Alt + Del:

  • Explanation: Opens the security options menu, including Task Manager and sign-out options.

26. Ctrl + Shift + S:

  • Explanation: Save As in many applications.

27. Ctrl + Shift + N:

  • Explanation: Create a new folder in File Explorer.

28. Alt + F:

  • Explanation: Opens the File menu in the active application.

29. Alt + Enter:

  • Explanation: Opens the Properties window for the selected item.

30. Alt + Space:

  • Explanation: Opens the window menu (Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize, Close).

31. Ctrl + Shift + M:

  • Explanation: Restores all minimized windows.

32. Ctrl + Alt + Tab:

  • Explanation: Switches between open applications using a more visual interface.

33. Win + , (comma):

  • Explanation: Peeks at the desktop.

34. Win + Ctrl + F4:

  • Explanation: Closes the current virtual desktop.

35. Ctrl + Shift + Esc:

  • Explanation: Opens Task Manager directly.

36. Ctrl + Shift + T:

  • Explanation: Reopens the last closed tab in supported applications.

37. Win + Plus (+) / Win + Minus (-):

  • Explanation: Zooms in/out using Magnifier.

38. Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Keys:

  • Explanation: Rotates the screen orientation.

39. Win + Print Screen:

  • Explanation: Takes a screenshot and saves it to the Screenshots folder.

40. Ctrl + Shift + V:

  • Explanation: Past text without formatting (works in some applications).

41. Win + Alt + D:

  • Explanation: Shows or hides the date and time on the desktop.

42. Win + Ctrl + F:

  • Explanation: Opens Feedback Hub for submitting feedback to Microsoft.

43. Win + . (period):

  • Explanation: Opens the emoji picker.

44. Win + Shift + S:

  • Explanation: Opens Snip & Sketch for capturing and annotating screenshots.

45. Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow:

  • Explanation: Jump the cursor to the previous/next word.

46. Ctrl + Backspace:

  • Explanation: Deletes the previous word in a text field.

47. Ctrl + Home/End:

  • Explanation: Moves the cursor to the beginning/end of a document or text field.

48. Alt + Enter (on a file):

  • Explanation: Opens the Properties window for the selected file.

49. Win + Shift + Number (1-9):

  • Explanation: Opens a new instance of the pinned application on the taskbar.

50. Ctrl + Shift + Q:

  • Explanation: Signs out of the current user account.

51. Start Menu and Taskbar Shortcuts:

  • Win key: Open or close the Start menu.
  • Win + A: Open the Action Center for quick settings.
  • Win + T: Cycle through taskbar apps.
  • Win + 1, 2, 3, etc.: Open or switch to the app on the taskbar corresponding to the number.
  • Win + D: Show or hide the desktop.
  • Win + E: Open File Explorer.
  • Win + L: Lock your PC or switch accounts.

52. Virtual Desktops:

  • Win + Tab: Open Task View for virtual desktops.
  • Win + Ctrl + D: Create a new virtual desktop.
  • Win + Ctrl + Left/Right arrow: Switch between virtual desktops.

53. Window Management:

  • Win + Up/Down/Left/Right arrow: Maximize, minimize, or snap windows.
  • Win + M: Minimize all open windows.
  • Win + Shift + M: Restore minimized windows.
  • Win + Shift + Up arrow: Maximize and stretch the window vertically.

54. Taskbar Shortcuts:

  • Win + X: Open the power user menu.
  • Win + I: Open Settings.
  • Win + S: Open the Search bar.
  • Win + B: Select the first icon in the notification area.

55. Cortana and Search:

  • Win + Q: Open Cortana for voice input.
  • Win + S: Open Windows Search.
  • Win + W: Search for settings.

56. Snapping and Multi-Tasking:

  • Win + Left/Right arrow: Snap the current window to the left or right.
  • Win + Ctrl + D: Add a new virtual desktop.
  • Win + Ctrl + Left/Right arrow: Switch between virtual desktops.

57. Clipboard:

  • Win + V: Open the clipboard history.
  • Win + C: Copy selected text or items.

58. Task View:

  • Win + Tab: Open Task View for virtual desktops.
  • Alt + Tab: Switch between open apps.

59. File Explorer:

  • Alt + D: Focus on the address bar.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder.

60. System Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager.
  • Win + Pause/Break: Open System Properties.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Del: Open security options (lock, switch user, sign out).

61. Text Editing:

  • Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V: Cut, copy, paste.
  • Ctrl + Z, Ctrl + Y: Undo, redo.
  • Ctrl + A: Select all.

62. Screenshots:

  • PrtScn: Take a screenshot and save it to the clipboard.
  • Alt + PrtScn: Take a screenshot of the active window.

63. Accessibility Shortcuts:

  • Win + +: Zoom in.
  • Win + –: Zoom out.
  • Win + Ctrl + Enter: Activate Narrator.

64. Gaming Shortcuts:

  • Win + G: Open the Game Bar.
  • Win + Alt + G: Record the last 30 seconds.

65. Windows Snipping Tool:

  • Shift + S: Open Snipping Tool.

66. Emoji and Symbols:

  • Win +. (period): Open the emoji panel.

67. Language and Input:

  • Win + Space: Change keyboard language.

68. Others:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager.
  • Alt + F4: Close the active window.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Tab: Switch between open apps.
  • Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab in Microsoft Edge.

69. Start Menu and Taskbar Shortcuts:

  • Win Key: Opens or closes the Start Menu.
  • Win + A: Opens the Action Center, where you can access quick settings.
  • Win + D: Minimizes or restores all open windows, showing the desktop.
  • Win + E: Opens File Explorer for quick access to files and folders.
  • Win + T: Cycles through apps on the Taskbar using the keyboard.
  • Win + Number (1-9): Opens the corresponding app on the Taskbar.
  • Win + Alt + Number (1-9): Opens the Jump List for the app on the Taskbar.
  • Win + B: Select the notification area on the Taskbar.

70. Window Management Shortcuts:

  • Win + Left Arrow/Right Arrow: Snaps the active window to the left or right side of the screen.
  • Win + Up Arrow/Down Arrow: Maximizes or restores the active window.
  • Win + Shift + Left Arrow/Right Arrow: Moves the active window to the previous or next monitor.
  • Win + M: Minimizes all open windows.
  • Win + Shift + M: Restores minimized windows.

71. Virtual Desktop Shortcuts:

  • Win + Tab: Opens the Task View, showing all open windows and virtual desktops.
  • Win + Ctrl + D: Creates a new virtual desktop.
  • Win + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Switches between virtual desktops.

72. Cortana and Search Shortcuts:

  • Win + S: Opens the search bar.
  • Win + C: Activates Cortana’s listening mode for voice commands.
  • Win + Q: Opens the search bar with the focus on the ‘Search’ app.

73. System and Settings Shortcuts:

  • Win + I: Opens Settings.
  • Win + L: Locks the computer.
  • Win + X: Opens the Quick Link menu for advanced system tools.

74. Task View Shortcuts:

  • Alt + Tab: Switches between open apps.
  • Alt + Shift + Tab: Reverses the direction while switching between open apps.
  • Win + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Switches between open apps in Task View.

75. Snap Assist Shortcuts:

  • Win + Ctrl + D: Creates a new virtual desktop and switches to it.
  • Win + Ctrl + F4: Closes the current virtual desktop.
  • Win + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Switches between virtual desktops in Task View.

76. Multitasking Shortcuts:

  • Win + / (forward slash): Activate the ‘Snip & Sketch’ tool.
  • Win + Alt + D: Shows or hides the date and time on the Taskbar.
  • Win + Print Screen: Takes a screenshot and saves it to the Screenshots folder.
  • Win + Shift + S: Opens Snip & Sketch for capturing and annotating screenshots.

77. Accessibility Shortcuts:

  • Win + + (plus): Opens the Magnifier tool.
  • Win + – (minus): Zooms out with the Magnifier tool.
  • Win + Ctrl + C: Opens the color filter settings for accessibility.

78. Text and Keyboard Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + C: Copies the selected text or files.
  • Ctrl + X: Cuts the selected text or files.
  • Ctrl + V: Pastes copied or cut text or files.
  • Ctrl + Z: Undoes the last action.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redoes the last undone action.

79. File Explorer Shortcuts:

  • Alt + Enter: Opens the Properties dialog for the selected item.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Creates a new folder in File Explorer.
  • Ctrl + F: Opens the search bar in File Explorer.

80. Command Prompt Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + C: Copies the selected text in the Command Prompt.
  • Ctrl + V: Pastes text into the Command Prompt.

81. Internet Explorer Shortcuts (if applicable):

  • Ctrl + T: Opens a new tab.
  • Ctrl + N: Opens a new window.
  • Ctrl + Shift + P: Opens a new InPrivate browsing window.

82. Miscellaneous Shortcuts:

  • Alt + F4: Closes the active window.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Opens the Task Manager directly.

83. Taskbar Shortcuts:

  • Win + T: Cycle through taskbar items.
    • Quickly navigate and select different applications on your taskbar.
  • Win + 1, 2, 3, … 9: Open or switch to the application pinned to the taskbar at the corresponding position.
    • Launch or switch to the application in the specified position on the taskbar.
  • Win + B: Select the system tray, allowing you to use the arrow keys to navigate and press Enter to open a notification.
  • Win + M: Minimize all open windows.
    • Quickly clear your desktop and minimize all open windows.

84. Window Management Shortcuts:

  • Win + Left/Right Arrow: Snap the current window to the left or right side of the screen.
    • Efficiently organize your workspace by snapping windows to the sides.
  • Win + Up Arrow: Maximize the current window.
    • Expand the window to fill the entire screen.
  • Win + Down Arrow: Minimize or restore the current window.
    • Quickly minimize or restore the current window.
  • Win + D: Show or hide the desktop.
    • Minimize or restore all open windows to view the desktop.
  • Alt + F4: Close the active window.
    • Quickly close the currently focused window.

85. Virtual Desktop Shortcuts:

  • Win + Tab: Open Task View.
    • View all open windows and access virtual desktops.
  • Win + Ctrl + D: Create a new virtual desktop.
    • Organize your tasks by creating separate virtual desktops.
  • Win + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Switch between virtual desktops.
    • Move between different virtual desktops.

86. Search and Run Shortcuts:

  • Win + S: Open the search bar.
    • Access the search bar to find files, apps, and settings.
  • Win + R: Open the Run dialog.
    • Quickly launch applications or execute commands.

87. File Explorer Shortcuts:

  • Win + E: Open File Explorer.
    • Launch File Explorer for file management.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder in File Explorer.
    • Efficiently create new folders in the current directory.

88. System Shortcuts:

  • Win + X: Open the Quick Link menu.
    • Access a menu with various system tools and settings.
  • Win + I: Open Settings.
    • Directly access the Windows Settings.

89. Task View Shortcuts:

  • Alt + Tab: Switch between open applications.
    • Quickly cycle through open applications.
  • Ctrl + Win + D: Add the current desktop to Task View.
    • Enhance Task View by adding the current desktop.

90. Multitasking Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager.
    • Access Task Manager to monitor and manage running processes.
  • Alt + F3: Open Taskbar Jump List for the current application.
    • View and access recent files or tasks associated with the current application.

91. Text Editing Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + C, Ctrl + X, Ctrl + V: Copy, Cut, and Paste.
    • Standard text manipulation shortcuts.
  • Ctrl + Z, Ctrl + Y: Undo and Redo.
    • Reverse or redo the last action.

92. Accessibility Shortcuts:

  • Win + + or Win + –: Zoom in or out.
    • Zoom in or out for better readability.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Del: Open the security options.
    • Access a menu with options like Task Manager, Sign Out, and Lock.

93. Screen Shortcuts:

  • Print Screen: Capture a screenshot.
    • Capture the entire screen or the active window.
  • Alt + Print Screen: Capture the active window.
    • Take a screenshot of the currently active window.
  • Win + Shift + S: Open Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch.
    • Capture a custom region of the screen.

94. Cortana Shortcuts:

  • Win + C: Open Cortana in listening mode.
    • Activate Cortana for voice commands.
  • Win + Q: Open Cortana for text input.
    • Access Cortana for text-based queries and commands.

95. Emoji Shortcuts:

  • Win + . or Win + ;: Open the emoji picker.
    • Quickly insert emojis into your text.

96. Action Center Shortcuts:

  • Win + A: Open Action Center.
    • Access the Action Center for notifications and quick settings.
  • Win + V: Open Clipboard history.
    • View and paste items from your clipboard history.

97. System Tray Shortcuts:

  • Win + B, Enter: Open the system tray.
    • Navigate and interact with icons in the system tray.
  • Win + I, U, Enter: Shut down or restart.
    • Quickly shut down or restart your computer.

98. Windows Snap Assist Shortcuts:

  • Win + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Switch between open windows in Snap Assist.
    • Navigate between open windows when using Snap Assist.
  • Win + Ctrl + Up Arrow: Cycle through different layouts in Snap Assist.
    • Change the arrangement of windows in Snap Assist.

99. Narrator Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Win + Enter: Start or stop Narrator.
    • Enable or disable the built-in screen reader.

100. Gaming Shortcuts:

  • Win + G: Open the Xbox Game Bar.
    • Access gaming features and settings.
  • Win + Alt + R: Start or stop recording with Game Bar.
    • Record your gaming sessions.

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