[Top 100] Windows 10 Powerful Keyboard Shortcuts for Daily use

Effortlessly navigate Windows 10 with time-saving shortcuts, streamlining tasks with a keystroke. Boost productivity and efficiency with intuitive key combinations for a seamless computing experience.


1. Desktop Shortcuts:

  • Win + D: Show Desktop
    • Pressing this combination minimizes or restores all open windows, showing the desktop.
  • Win + E: Open File Explorer
    • Launches File Explorer, making it easy to navigate and manage files.
  • Alt + Tab: Switch Between Open Apps
    • Quickly switch between open applications. Hold down Alt and press Tab to cycle through open apps.
  • Win + L: Lock the Computer
    • Locks your computer, requiring a password to access it again.
  • Win + Number (1-9): Open or Switch to Taskbar Apps
    • Opens or switches to the application pinned to the taskbar in the corresponding position.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager
    • Directly opens the Task Manager for monitoring and managing running processes.

2. Window Management Shortcuts:

  • Win + Left/Right Arrow: Snap Window to Left/Right
    • Snap the active window to the left or right half of the screen.
  • Win + Up Arrow: Maximize Window
    • Maximizes the active window.
  • Win + Down Arrow: Minimize/Restore Down
    • Minimizes the active window or restores it if it’s already minimized.
  • Alt + F4: Close Active Window
    • Closes the currently active window or application.

3. Virtual Desktop Shortcuts:

  • Win + Ctrl + D: Create a New Virtual Desktop
    • Adds a new virtual desktop for organizing open applications.
  • Win + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Switch Between Virtual Desktops
    • Moves between different virtual desktops.

4. Taskbar Shortcuts:

  • Win + T: Cycle Through Taskbar Apps
    • Highlights and cycles through apps on the taskbar.
  • Shift + Click on Taskbar App: Open a New Instance
    • Opens a new instance of the selected application on the taskbar.

5. System Shortcuts:

  • Win + I: Open Settings
    • Launches the Windows Settings for system configuration.
  • Win + X: Open Power User Menu
    • Opens a menu with quick access to various system tools and settings.
  • Win + Pause/Break: Open System Properties
    • Opens the System Properties window.

6. Text Editing Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + C: Copy
    • Copies the selected text or item.
  • Ctrl + X: Cut
    • Cuts the selected text or item.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste
    • Pastes the copied or cut content.
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
    • Reverses the last action.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
    • Reverts the undo action.

7. File Explorer Shortcuts:

  • Alt + Enter: Open Properties of Selected Item
    • Opens the properties dialog for the selected file or folder.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Create New Folder
    • Creates a new folder in the current directory.
  • Alt + Up Arrow: Go Up One Level
    • Navigate up one level in File Explorer.

8. Text Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Move Cursor Between Words
    • Moves the cursor between words in a document or text field.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow: Select Text Between Words
    • Select text between the cursor and the previous or next word.
  • Ctrl + Home/End: Move to Start/End of Document
    • Moves the cursor to the beginning or end of a document.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Home/End: Select Text to Start/End of Document
    • Selects text from the cursor to the beginning or end of a document.

9. Screen Capture Shortcuts:

  • PrtScn: Take a Screenshot
    • Captures the entire screen and copies it to the clipboard.
  • Alt + PrtScn: Capture Active Window
    • Captures only the active window and copies it to the clipboard.
  • Win + Shift + S: Open Snip & Sketch for Screenshots
    • Opens the Snip & Sketch tool for capturing custom screenshots.

10. Cortana and Search Shortcuts:

  • Win + S: Open Search Bar
    • Opens the Windows search bar.
  • Win + Q: Open Cortana
    • Opens Cortana for voice commands and search.

11. Task View Shortcuts:

  • Win + Tab: Open Task View
    • Displays open applications and virtual desktops in a grid.
  • Ctrl + Win + Left/Right Arrow: Switch Between Virtual Desktops in Task View
    • Moves between virtual desktops using Task View.

12. Accessibility Shortcuts:

  • Win + Plus (+): Open Magnifier
    • Opens the Magnifier tool for zooming in on the screen.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Del: Open Security Options
    • Opens the security options, including Task Manager and power options.

13. Command Prompt Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + C/V: Copy/Paste in Command Prompt
    • Enables copying and pasting in the command prompt.
  • Ctrl + Shift + C/V: Copy/Paste as Text in Command Prompt
    • Copies and pastes text in the command prompt without formatting.

14. Internet Explorer/Edge Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + T: Open a New Tab
    • Opens a new tab in the web browser.
  • Ctrl + W: Close Tab
    • Closes the currently active tab.
  • Ctrl + Tab: Switch Between Tabs
    • Switches between open tabs in the browser.

15. Media Shortcuts:

  • Win + P: Open Projection Options
    • Opens options for connecting to a second screen or projector.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager
    • Quickly opens the Task Manager to manage running processes.

16. Gaming Shortcuts:

  • Win + G: Open Game Bar
    • Opens the Game Bar for gaming-related features.
  • Alt + Enter: Toggle Full Screen in Games
    • Toggles between full-screen and windowed mode in many games.

17. Miscellaneous Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Create New Folder
    • Creates a new folder in File Explorer.
  • Win + , (comma): Peek at Desktop
    • Temporarily reveals the desktop; releasing the keys restores the windows.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Tab: View Open Apps
    • Displays open applications, similar to Alt + Tab, but with more detailed information.

18. General Shortcuts:

  • Win + D
    • Description: Show or hide the desktop.
    • How to use: Pressing Win + D minimizes or restores all open windows, showing the desktop.
  • Alt + Tab
    • Description: Switch between open applications.
    • How to use: Hold down Alt and press Tab to cycle through open applications. Release to switch to the selected app.
  • Win + L
    • Description: Lock the computer.
    • How to use: Quickly lock your computer and require a password to log back in.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc
    • Description: Open Task Manager.
    • How to use: Directly open the Task Manager to manage running processes and applications.
  • Alt + F4
    • Description: Close the active window.
    • How to use: Close the currently active window or application.

19. Window Management:

  • Win + Arrow Keys
    • Description: Snap windows to the sides of the screen.
    • How to use: Snap the active window to the left or right side using Win + Left/Right Arrow.
  • Win + Shift + Arrow Keys
    • Description: Move windows between multiple monitors.
    • How to use: If you have multiple monitors, use this shortcut to move the active window to the next monitor.
  • Alt + Space
    • Description: Access the window menu.
    • How to use: Open the system menu of the active window for options like Restore, Minimize, Maximize, etc.
  • Win + Tab
    • Description: Open Task View for virtual desktops.
    • How to use: View all open windows and create/manage virtual desktops.
  • Ctrl + Win + D
    • Description: Create a new virtual desktop.
    • How to use: Quickly add a new virtual desktop to organize your work.

20. File Explorer:

  • Ctrl + C / Ctrl + X / Ctrl + V
    • Description: Copy/Cut/Paste.
    • How to use: Select files or folders, then use these shortcuts for copy, cut, and paste operations.
  • Ctrl + Z
    • Description: Undo the last action.
    • How to use: Reverse the last file or folder operation.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N
    • Description: Create a new folder.
    • How to use: Quickly create a new folder in the current directory.
  • Alt + Enter
    • Description: Open the Properties of the selected item.
    • How to use: View and modify properties of files or folders.
  • F2
    • Description: Rename the selected item.
    • How to use: Quickly rename a file or folder in File Explorer.

21. Text Editing:

  • Ctrl + C / Ctrl + X / Ctrl + V
    • Description: Copy/Cut/Paste.
    • How to use: Standard text editing operations.
  • Ctrl + A
    • Description: Select all.
    • How to use: Select all text in the active document or folder.
  • Ctrl + Z
    • Description: Undo the last action.
    • How to use: Reverse the last text editing action.
  • Ctrl + Y
    • Description: Redo the last undone action.
    • How to use: Restore the last action that was undone.
  • Ctrl + Arrow Keys
    • Description: Move the cursor between words.
    • How to use: Navigate the cursor quickly between words in a document.

22. Web Browsing:

  • Ctrl + T
    • Description: Open a new tab.
    • How to use: Quickly open a new tab in your web browser.
  • Ctrl + W
    • Description: Close the current tab.
    • How to use: Close the active tab in your web browser.
  • Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
    • Description: Switch between open tabs.
    • How to use: Cycle forward or backward through open tabs in your web browser.
  • Ctrl + Shift + T
    • Description: Reopen the last closed tab.
    • How to use: Restore the most recently closed tab in your web browser.
  • Ctrl + N
    • Description: Open a new browser window.
    • How to use: Open a new browser window in the default web browser.

23. Taskbar:

  • Win + Number (1-9)
    • Description: Open or switch to a pinned task on the taskbar.
    • How to use: Launch or switch to the application in the specified position on the taskbar.
  • Shift + Click on the Taskbar Icon
    • Description: Open a new instance of a program.
    • How to use: Open a new window or instance of a program that is already pinned to the taskbar.
  • Win + B
    • Description: Highlight the notification area.
    • How to use: Move focus to the notification area on the taskbar.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc
    • Description: Open Task Manager.
    • How to use: Quickly open Task Manager to manage running processes and applications.
  • Win + Alt + Number (1-9)
    • Description: Open the jump list for a pinned app on the taskbar.
    • How to use: Access the jump list for a pinned application to quickly perform actions.

24. Cortana/Search:

  • Win + S
    • Description: Open Cortana/Search.
    • How to use: Launch the Cortana/Search interface for quick searches.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Enter
    • Description: Run Cortana/Search as Administrator.
    • How to use: Open Cortana/Search with administrative privileges.
  • Win + I
    • Description: Open Settings.
    • How to use: Quickly access the Settings app.
  • Win + X
    • Description: Open the power user menu.
    • How to use: Access a menu with quick links to various system tools and settings.
  • Win + , (Comma)
    • Description: Peek at the desktop.
    • How to use: Temporarily view the desktop by holding down the Windows key and pressing the comma key.

25. System and Accessibility:

  • Win + Pause/Break
    • Description: Open System Properties.
    • How to use: Access the System Properties window to view system information and settings.
  • Win + Ctrl + D
    • Description: Add a new virtual desktop.
    • How to use: Quickly create a new virtual desktop for better organization.
  • Win + Ctrl + F4
    • Description: Close the current virtual desktop.
    • How to use: Close the active virtual desktop.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc
    • Description: Open Task Manager.
    • How to use: Quickly open Task Manager to manage running processes and applications.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Del
    • Description: Open the security options menu.
    • How to use: Access the security options menu, which includes the Task Manager and the ability to lock or sign out.

26. Accessibility and Ease of Access:

  • Win + Enter
    • Description: Open Narrator (screen reader).
    • How to use: Launch the Narrator screen reader for accessibility.
  • Ctrl + Esc
    • Description: Open the Start menu.
    • How to use: Access the Start menu without using the Windows key.
  • Win + U
    • Description: Open Ease of Access Center.
    • How to use: Access the Ease of Access Center for various accessibility options.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Keys
    • Description: Rotate the screen.
    • How to use: Rotate the display orientation (useful for tablets and convertible devices).
  • Win + + / Win + –
    • Description: Zoom in/out.
    • How to use: Zoom in or out on the screen.

27. Virtual Desktops:

  • Win + Ctrl + D
    • Description: Add a new virtual desktop.
    • How to use: Quickly create a new virtual desktop for better organization.
  • Win + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow
    • Description: Switch between virtual desktops.
    • How to use: Move between virtual desktops using these shortcuts.
  • Win + Ctrl + F4
    • Description: Close the current virtual desktop.
    • How to use: Close the active virtual desktop.
  • Win + Tab
    • Description: Open Task View for virtual desktops.
    • How to use: View all open windows and create/manage virtual desktops.
  • Win + Ctrl + Q
    • Description: Quick look at all virtual desktops.
    • How to use: Display thumbnail views of all open virtual desktops for quick navigation.

28. Desktop Shortcuts:

  • Win + D: Minimize or restore all open windows. Press again to restore.
  • Win + E: Open File Explorer.
  • Alt + Tab: Switch between open applications.
  • Win + L: Lock your computer.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager directly.
  • Win + Number (1-9): Open or switch to the application pinned to the taskbar in the corresponding position.
  • Alt + F4: Close the active window.
  • Win + PrtScn: Capture a screenshot and save it to the Screenshots folder.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Open the security options, including Task Manager.
  • Win + X: Open the power user menu.

29. Window Management Shortcuts:

  • Win + Left/Right Arrow: Snap the active window to the left or right side of the screen.
  • Win + Up Arrow: Maximize the active window.
  • Win + Down Arrow: Minimize or restore the active window.
  • Shift + Win + Left/Right Arrow: Move the active window to another monitor.
  • Alt + Spacebar: Open the window menu for the active app.
  • Ctrl + Win + D: Create a new virtual desktop.
  • Ctrl + Win + Left/Right Arrow: Switch between virtual desktops.
  • Alt + F8: Show a list of available screen resolutions.
  • Win + “+” or “-“: Zoom in or out using Magnifier.

30. Taskbar Shortcuts:

  • Win + T: Cycle through taskbar items.
  • Shift + Click on Taskbar Item: Open a new instance of a program.
  • Win + B: Highlight the notification area.
  • Win + Alt + Number (1-9): Open the Jump List for the program pinned to the taskbar in the corresponding position.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Click on Taskbar Item: Run a task as an administrator.
  • Win + Ctrl + D: Create a new virtual desktop.
  • Win + Ctrl + F4: Close the current virtual desktop.

31. System Shortcuts:

  • Win + I: Open Settings.
  • Win + A: Open the Action Center.
  • Win + S: Open Cortana search.
  • Win + R: Open the Run dialog.
  • Win + Pause/Break: Open System Properties.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager directly.
  • Win + X: Open the power user menu.

32. File Explorer Shortcuts:

  • Alt + Up Arrow: Go up one level in File Explorer.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder.
  • F2: Rename the selected file or folder.
  • Ctrl + C: Copy selected items.
  • Ctrl + X: Cut selected items.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste copied or cut items.
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder.

33. Text Editing Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + A: Select all.
  • Ctrl + C: Copy.
  • Ctrl + X: Cut.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste.
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo.
  • Ctrl + F: Find.
  • Ctrl + S: Save.
  • Ctrl + P: Print.

34. Windows Key (Win):

  • Explanation: Opens the Start Menu.

35. Win + A:

  • Explanation: Opens the Action Center, which provides quick access to settings and notifications.

36. Win + D:

  • Explanation: Minimizes or restores all open windows, showing the desktop.

37. Win + E:

  • Explanation: Opens File Explorer for quick access to files and folders.

38 . Win + I:

  • Explanation: Opens Settings, allowing you to customize your system preferences.

39. Win + L:

  • Explanation: Locks your computer, requiring a password to unlock.

40. Alt + Tab:

  • Explanation: Switches between open applications.

41. Win + Tab:

  • Explanation: Opens Task View, showing all open windows and virtual desktops.

42 . Ctrl + Shift + Esc:

  • Explanation: Opens Task Manager for managing running applications and processes.

43. Win + R:

  • Explanation: Opens the Run dialog, allowing you to run commands or open programs.

44. Ctrl + C / Ctrl + X / Ctrl + V:

  • Explanation: Copy, cut, and paste, respectively, for files, text, etc.

45. Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Y:

  • Explanation: Undo and redo actions in various applications.

46. Alt + F4:

  • Explanation: Closes the active window or application.

47. Ctrl + A:

  • Explanation: Select all items in the current window or text in a document.

48. Ctrl + S:

  • Explanation: Saves the current document or file.

49. Ctrl + N:

  • Explanation: This opens a new window or document in the current application.

50. Alt + Enter:

  • Explanation: Opens the properties of the selected item.

51. Ctrl + Shift + N:

  • Explanation: Create a new folder in File Explorer.

52. Alt + F:

  • Explanation: Opens the File menu in the active application.

53. Ctrl + P:

  • Explanation: Opens the Print dialog for the active document.

54. Ctrl + W:

  • Explanation: Closes the current tab or window in the active application.

55. Ctrl + Shift + T:

  • Explanation: Reopens the last closed tab or window in your web browser.

56. Win + number (1-9):

  • Explanation: Opens the application pinned to the taskbar in the corresponding position.

57. Win + Ctrl + D:

  • Explanation: Creates a new virtual desktop.

58. Win + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow:

  • Explanation: Switches between virtual desktops.

59. Ctrl + Alt + Del:

  • Explanation: Opens the security options menu, including Task Manager, Sign Out, and Lock.

60. Win + PrtScn:

  • Explanation: Takes a screenshot and saves it to the Screenshots folder.

61. Alt + PrtScn:

  • Explanation: Takes a screenshot of the active window and copies it to the clipboard.

62. Win + K:

  • Explanation: Opens the Connect menu for connecting to wireless displays and audio devices.

63. Win + X:

  • Explanation: Opens the Power User menu with quick access to various system tools.

64. Win + Comma (,):

  • Explanation: Temporarily shows the desktop.

65. Win + Plus (+) / Win + Minus (-):

  • Explanation: Opens the Magnifier to zoom in/out.

66. Win + Ctrl + F4:

  • Explanation: Closes the current virtual desktop.

67. Win + Alt + R:

  • Explanation: Starts or stops recording your screen with the Xbox Game Bar.

68. Win + G:

  • Explanation: Opens the Xbox Game Bar for gaming features and screen recording.

69. Win + H:

  • Explanation: Activates the dictation feature for speech-to-text input.

70. Ctrl + Shift + N:

  • Explanation: Create a new folder in File Explorer.

71. Alt + Up/Down Arrow:

  • Explanation: Moves up or down one level in File Explorer.

72. F2:

  • Explanation: Renames the selected item.

73. Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys:

  • Explanation: Select a block of text in a document.

74. Ctrl + Tab:

  • Explanation: Switches between tabs in an application or web browser.

75. Win + Shift + S:

  • Explanation: Opens Snip & Sketch for taking screenshots and annotating them.

76. Win + , (comma):

  • Explanation: Temporarily shows the desktop.

77. Ctrl + Alt + Tab:

  • Explanation: Opens the 3D viewer for 3D models.

78. Ctrl + Shift + N:

  • Explanation: Creates a new folder in File Explorer.

79. Win + Shift + M:

  • Explanation: Restores minimized windows on the desktop.

80. Win + Ctrl + F:

  • Explanation: Opens the Search window with the cursor in the search box.

81. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B:

  • Explanation: Resets the graphics driver.

82. Win +. (period):

  • Explanation: Opens the emoji keyboard.

83. General Shortcuts:

  • Windows Key: Open or close the Start menu.
  • Windows Key + D: Show or hide the desktop.
  • Alt + Tab: Switch between open apps.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager directly.
  • Alt + F4: Close the active window.

84. File Explorer Shortcuts:

  • Windows Key + E: Open File Explorer.
  • Ctrl + N: Open a new File Explorer window.
  • Alt + P: Show or hide the preview pane.
  • Alt + Enter: Open the Properties dialog box.

84. Window Management Shortcuts:

  • Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow: Snap the active window to the left or right.
  • Windows Key + Up Arrow: Maximize the active window.
  • Windows Key + Down Arrow: Minimize or restore the active window.
  • Alt + Space: Open the window menu (close, minimize, maximize, etc.).

85. Virtual Desktop Shortcuts:

  • Windows Key + Tab: Open Task View.
  • Windows Key + Ctrl + D: Create a new virtual desktop.
  • Windows Key + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Switch between virtual desktops.

86. Taskbar Shortcuts:

  • Windows Key + 1-9: Open or switch to the corresponding taskbar app.
  • Windows Key + T: Cycle through taskbar apps.
  • Shift + click on taskbar app: Open a new instance of the app.

87. System Shortcuts:

  • Windows Key + I: Open Settings.
  • Windows Key + L: Lock the computer.
  • Windows Key + X: Open the power user menu.

88. Cortana and Search Shortcuts:

  • Windows Key + S: Open Cortana/search.
  • Windows Key + Q: Open the Search charm for apps.

89. Command Prompt Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + C: Copy selected text.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste copied text.
  • Ctrl + A: Select all text.
  • Ctrl + F: Find text within the Command Prompt.

90. Browser Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + T: Open a new tab in most browsers.
  • Ctrl + W: Close the current tab.
  • Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.

91. Text Editing Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + C: Copy selected text.
  • Ctrl + X: Cut selected text.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste copied/cut text.
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo the last undone action.

92. Accessibility Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Alt + Del: Open the security options screen.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager directly.
  • Windows Key + U: Open the Ease of Access Center.

93. Snipping Tool Shortcuts:

  • Windows Key + Shift + S: Open Snip & Sketch tool.

94. Magnifier Shortcuts:

  • Windows Key + Plus (+)/Minus (-): Zoom in/out using Magnifier.
  • Ctrl + Alt + M: Open the Magnifier settings.

95. Command Line Shortcuts:

  • Tab: Auto-complete file or folder names.
  • Ctrl + C: Interrupt a command.
  • Ctrl + D: Close the command prompt.

96. Remote Desktop Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Alt + Del: Open the security options screen in a remote desktop session.
  • Alt + Page Up/Page Down: Switch between applications in a remote desktop session.

97. Task View Shortcuts:

  • Windows Key + Ctrl + D: Add a new virtual desktop in Task View.
  • Windows Key + Ctrl + F4: Close the virtual desktop in Task View.

98. Taskbar Jump List Shortcuts:

  • Shift + Right-click on Taskbar Item
    • Open Jump List: Access a list of recent files or tasks for a specific application.

99. Ease of Access Shortcuts:

  • Windows key + U
    • Open Ease of Access Center: Access accessibility options.

100. System Tray Shortcuts:

  • Windows key + B
    • Focus on System Tray: Highlight the system tray icons.


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