Yahoo Mail 50 Powerful Keyboard Shortcuts for Daily use

Yahoo Mail shortcuts streamline your email experience with instant access to folders, message actions, and navigation, boosting productivity in just a keystroke. From composing new emails to efficient inbox management, these keyboard commands simplify your communication workflow effortlessly.


1. Navigate Between Messages:

  • Shortcut: N (Next), P (Previous)
  • Explanation: Use ‘N’ to move to the next email and ‘P’ to go to the previous one.

2. Compose New Email:

  • Shortcut: C
  • Explanation: Quickly open a new compose window by pressing ‘C’. Reply to Email:
  • Shortcut: R
  • Explanation: Reply to the currently selected email.

3. Forward Email:

  • Shortcut: F
  • Explanation: Forward the selected email to another recipient.

4. Mark as Read/Unread:

  • Shortcut: K (Mark as Read), U (Mark as Unread)
  • Explanation: Toggle between read and unread status.

5. Delete Email:

  • Shortcut: Delete or # (Shift + 3)
    Explanation: Move the selected email to the trash.

6. Archive Email:

  • Shortcut: E
    Explanation: Archive the selected email to keep your inbox organized. Move to Folder:
  • Shortcut: V
  • Explanation: Move the selected email to a specified folder.Search Emails:
  • Shortcut: /
  • Explanation: Place the cursor in the search bar for quick searches.

7. Select All Emails:

  • Shortcut: Ctrl + A
  • Explanation: Select all emails in the current folder.

8. Mark as Spam:

  • Shortcut: S
  • Explanation: Mark the selected email as spam. Undo Last Action:
  • Shortcut: Z
  • Explanation: Undo the last action you performed.

9. Move to the Next Tab:

  • Shortcut: Tab
  • Explanation: Move to the next tab in your Yahoo Mail interface.

10. Move to Previous Tab:

  • Shortcut: Shift + Tab
  • Explanation: Move to the previous tab in your Yahoo Mail interface.

11. Open Selected Email:

  • Shortcut: Enter
  • Explanation: Open and view the content of the selected email.
  • Compose New Email (c): Opens a new email composition window.

12. Compose a new email:

  • Shortcut: C
  • Explanation: Press ‘C’ to open a new email composition window.

13. Reply to an email:

  • Shortcut: R
  • Explanation: Press ‘R’ to reply to the currently selected email.

14. Forward an email:

  • Shortcut: F
  • Explanation: Press ‘F’ to forward the currently selected email.

15. Send an email:

  • Shortcut: Ctrl + Enter (Windows) or Command + Enter (Mac)
  • Explanation: Use this shortcut to send the composed email.

16. Select all emails:

  • Shortcut: Ctrl + A (Windows) or Command + A (Mac)
  • Explanation: Select all emails in the current folder.

17. Mark an email as read:

  • Shortcut: K
  • Explanation: Mark the selected email as read.

18. Mark an email as unread:

  • Shortcut: U
  • Explanation: Mark the selected email as unread.

19. Delete an email:

  • Shortcut: Delete or Backspace
  • Explanation: Move the selected email to the Trash or Deleted Items folder.

20. Undo the last action:

  • Shortcut: Ctrl + Z (Windows) or Command + Z (Mac)
  • Explanation: Undo the last action, such as deleting an email.

 21. Archive an email:

  • Shortcut: E
  • Explanation: Archive the selected email.

22. Navigation Shortcuts:

  • G then I: Go to Inbox
    • Quickly navigate to your Inbox from any other folder.
  • G then S: Go to the Sent folder
    • Jump to your Sent folder to review sent emails.
  • G then T: Go to the Trash folder
    • Directly access the Trash folder to manage deleted emails.
  • G then D: Go to the Drafts folder
    • Navigate to the Drafts folder to continue editing drafts.
  • G then A: Go to All Folders
    • View a list of all your folders for easy navigation.

23. Message Shortcuts:

  • N: New message
    • Start composing a new email quickly.
  • R: Reply
    • Respond to the selected email.
  • A: Reply All
    • Reply to the sender and all other recipients of the selected email.
  • F: Forward
    • Forward the selected email to another recipient.
  • Ctrl + Shift + C: Add CC recipients
    • Quickly add recipients to the CC field when composing an email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + B: Add BCC recipients
    • Add recipients to the BCC field while composing an email.
  • Ctrl + Enter: Send email
    • Send the currently composed email.
  • Ctrl + S: Save draft
    • Save the current email as a draft.
  • Ctrl + Shift + J: Mark as spam
    • Flag the selected email as spam.
  • Ctrl + Shift + U: Mark as unread
    • Change the status of the selected email to unread.
  • Ctrl + Shift + A: Mark as read
    • Mark the selected email as read.
  • E: Archive
    • Archive the selected email to remove it from the Inbox.
  • Shift + 3: Delete
    • Move the selected email to the Trash folder.

24. Navigation Within Emails:

  • Tab: Move to the next element in the email
    • Navigate through different elements within an open email.
  • Shift + Tab: Move to the previous element in the email
    • Reverse navigation within an open email.
  • Ctrl + . (period): Next message in thread
    • Move to the next email in the conversation thread.
  • Ctrl + , (comma): Previous message in thread
    • Go to the previous email in the conversation thread.

25. Search and Filter Shortcuts:

  • / (slash): Search
    • Place the cursor in the search box for quick searching.
  • S then F: Focus on the search input field
    • Move the cursor directly to the search input box.
  • Y then O: Open folder
    • Open the folder selector for quick navigation.
  • Y then U: Go to the folder
    • Jump directly to a specific folder using the keyboard.

26. General Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
    • Reverse the last action in the email composition.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
    • Restore the action that was undone.
  • Ctrl + P: Print
    • Print the selected email or the currently open email.
  • Ctrl + F: Find
    • Open the search bar to find text within an open email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Show formatting options
    • Display formatting options for the currently composed email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + I: Open contact card
    • View detailed information about the sender of the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + H: Show headers
    • Display the full email headers for the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Add label
    • Assign a label to the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 8: Check spelling
    • Check the spelling of the text in the currently composed email.

27. Navigation Between Emails:

  • J: Move to the next email
    • Navigate down to the next email in the list.
  • K: Move to the previous email
    • Move up to the previous email in the list.
  • Ctrl + . (period): Next message in thread
    • Move to the next email in the conversation thread.
  • Ctrl + , (comma): Previous message in thread
    • Go to the previous email in the conversation thread.
  • N then O: Open email in a new tab
    • Open the selected email in a new browser tab.

28. Folder and Label Shortcuts:

  • Shift + L: Go to Label
    • Jump directly to a specific label in your mailbox.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 7: Move to folder
    • Move the selected email to a specific folder.
  • Ctrl + Shift + E: Move to folder
    • Move the selected email to another folder.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 1: Star email
    • Add a star to the selected email for easy identification.
  • Ctrl + Shift + R: Remove star from email
    • Remove the star from the selected email.

29. Conversation View Shortcuts:

  • O or Enter: Open email
    • Open the selected email for viewing.
  • T: Add to tasks
    • Add the selected email to your task list.
  • Ctrl + Shift + K: Mark as read from the inbox
    • Mark the selected email as read while in the Inbox.
  • Ctrl + Shift + U: Mark as unread from the inbox
    • Mark the selected email as unread while in the Inbox.
  • Z: Undo the last action
    • Reverse the last action performed in the email interface.

30. Navigation Shortcuts:

  • G then I: Go to Inbox
    • Quickly navigate to your Inbox from any other folder.
  • G then S: Go to Sent folder
    • Jump to your Sent folder to review sent emails.
  • G then T: Go to Trash folder
    • Directly access the Trash folder to manage deleted emails.
  • G then D: Go to Drafts folder
    • Navigate to the Drafts folder to continue editing drafts.
  • G then A: Go to All Folders
    • View a list of all your folders for easy navigation.

31. Message Shortcuts:

  • N: New message
    • Start composing a new email quickly.
  • R: Reply
    • Respond to the selected email.
  • A: Reply All
    • Reply to the sender and all other recipients of the selected email.
  • F: Forward
    • Forward the selected email to another recipient.
  • Ctrl + Shift + C: Add CC recipients
    • Quickly add recipients to the CC field when composing an email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + B: Add BCC recipients
    • Add recipients to the BCC field while composing an email.
  • Ctrl + Enter: Send email
    • Send the currently composed email.
  • Ctrl + S: Save draft
    • Save the current email as a draft.
  • Ctrl + Shift + J: Mark as spam
    • Flag the selected email as spam.
  • Ctrl + Shift + U: Mark as unread
    • Change the status of the selected email to unread.
  • Ctrl + Shift + A: Mark as read
    • Mark the selected email as read.
  • E: Archive
    • Archive the selected email to remove it from the Inbox.
  • Shift + 3: Delete
    • Move the selected email to the Trash folder.

32. Navigation Within Emails:

  • Tab: Move to the next element in the email
    • Navigate through different elements within an open email.
  • Shift + Tab: Move to the previous element in the email
    • Reverse navigation within an open email.
  • Ctrl +. (period): Next message in thread
    • Move to the next email in the conversation thread.
  • Ctrl + , (comma): Previous message in thread
    • Go to the previous email in the conversation thread.

33. Search and Filter Shortcuts:

  • / (slash): Search
    • Place the cursor in the search box for quick searching.
  • S then F: Focus on the search input field
    • Move the cursor directly to the search input box.
  • Y then O: Open folder
    • Open the folder selector for quick navigation.
  • Y then U: Go to the folder
    • Jump directly to a specific folder using the keyboard.

34. General Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
    • Reverse the last action in the email composition.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
    • Restore the action that was undone.
  • Ctrl + P: Print
    • Print the selected email or the currently open email.
  • Ctrl + F: Find
    • Open the search bar to find text within an open email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Show formatting options
    • Display formatting options for the currently composed email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + I: Open contact card
    • View detailed information about the sender of the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + H: Show headers
    • Display the full email headers for the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Add label
    • Assign a label to the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 8: Check spelling
    • Check the spelling of the text in the currently composed email.

35. Navigation Between Emails:

  • J: Move to the next email
    • Navigate down to the next email in the list.
  • K: Move to the previous email
    • Move up to the previous email in the list.
  • Ctrl + . (period): Next message in thread
    • Move to the next email in the conversation thread.
  • Ctrl + , (comma): Previous message in thread
    • Go to the previous email in the conversation thread.
  • N then O: Open email in a new tab
    • Open the selected email in a new browser tab.

36. Folder and Label Shortcuts:

  • Shift + L: Go to Label
    • Jump directly to a specific label in your mailbox.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 7: Move to folder
    • Move the selected email to a specific folder.
  • Ctrl + Shift + E: Move to folder
    • Move the selected email to another folder.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 1: Star email
    • Add a star to the selected email for easy identification.
  • Ctrl + Shift + R: Remove star from email
    • Remove the star from the selected email.

37. Conversation View Shortcuts:

  • O or Enter: Open the email
    • Open the selected email for viewing.
  • T: Add to tasks
    • Add the selected email to your task list.
  • Ctrl + Shift + K: Mark as read from the inbox
    • Mark the selected email as read while in the Inbox.
  • Ctrl + Shift + U: Mark as unread from the inbox
    • Mark the selected email as unread while in the Inbox.
  • Z: Undo the last action
    • Reverse the last action performed in the email interface.

38. Navigation Shortcuts:

  • G then I: Go to Inbox
    • Navigate to your Inbox quickly.
  • G then S: Go to the Sent folder
    • Jump to your Sent folder.
  • G then T: Go to the Trash folder
    • Directly access the Trash folder.
  • G then D: Go to the Drafts folder
    • Navigate to the Drafts folder.
  • G then A: Go to All Folders
    • View a list of all your folders.

39. Message Shortcuts:

  • N: New message
    • Start composing a new email.
  • R: Reply
    • Respond to the selected email.
  • A: Reply All
    • Reply to the sender and all other recipients.
  • F: Forward
    • Forward the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + C: Add CC recipients
    • Quickly add recipients to the CC field.
  • Ctrl + Shift + B: Add BCC recipients
    • Add recipients to the BCC field.
  • Ctrl + Enter: Send email
    • Send the currently composed email.
  • Ctrl + S: Save draft
    • Save the current email as a draft.
  • Ctrl + Shift + J: Mark as spam
    • Flag the selected email as spam.
  • Ctrl + Shift + U: Mark as unread
    • Change the status of the selected email to unread.
  • Ctrl + Shift + A: Mark as read
    • Mark the selected email as read.
  • E: Archive
    • Archive the selected email.
  • Shift + 3: Delete
    • Move the selected email to the Trash folder.

40. Navigation Within Emails:

  • Tab: Move to the next element in the email
    • Navigate through different elements within an open email.
  • Shift + Tab: Move to the previous element in the email
    • Reverse navigation within an open email.
  • Ctrl +. (period): Next message in the thread
    • Move to the next email in the conversation thread.
  • Ctrl +, (comma): Previous message in the thread
    • Go to the previous email in the conversation thread.
  • Ctrl + Enter: Send email
    • Send the currently composed email.

41. Search and Filter Shortcuts:

  • / (slash): Search
    • Place the cursor in the search box for quick searching.
  • S then F: Focus on the search input field
    • Move the cursor directly to the search input box.
  • Y then O: Open the folder
    • Open the folder selector for quick navigation.
  • Y then U: Go to the folder
    • Jump directly to a specific folder using the keyboard.

42. General Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
    • Reverse the last action in the email composition.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
    • Restore the action that was undone.
  • Ctrl + P: Print
    • Print the selected email or the currently open email.
  • Ctrl + F: Find
    • Open the search bar to find text within an open email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Show formatting options
    • Display formatting options for the currently composed email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + I: Open contact card
    • View detailed information about the sender of the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + H: Show headers
    • Display the full email headers for the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Add label
    • Assign a label to the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 8: Check spelling
    • Check the spelling of the text in the currently composed email.

43. Navigation Between Emails:

  • J: Move to the next email
    • Navigate down to the next email in the list.
  • K: Move to the previous email
    • Move up to the previous email in the list.
  • Ctrl +. (period): Next message in the thread
    • Move to the next email in the conversation thread.
  • Ctrl +, (comma): Previous message in the thread
    • Go to the previous email in the conversation thread.
  • N then O: Open email in a new tab
    • Open the selected email in a new browser tab.

44. Folder and Label Shortcuts:

  • Shift + L: Go to Label
    • Jump directly to a specific label in your mailbox.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 7: Move to folder
    • Move the selected email to a specific folder.
  • Ctrl + Shift + E: Move to folder
    • Move the selected email to another folder.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 1: Star email
    • Add a star to the selected email for easy identification.
  • Ctrl + Shift + R: Remove star from email
    • Remove the star from the selected email.

45. Conversation View Shortcuts:

  • O or Enter: Open the email
    • Open the selected email for viewing.
  • T: Add to tasks
    • Add the selected email to your task list.
  • Ctrl + Shift + K: Mark as read from the inbox
    • Mark the selected email as read while in the Inbox.
  • Ctrl + Shift + U: Mark as unread from the inbox
    • Mark the selected email as unread while in the Inbox.
  • Z: Undo the last action
    • Reverse the last action performed in the email interface.

46. Basic Navigation Shortcuts:

  • G then I: Go to Inbox
    • Navigate to the Inbox quickly to view your incoming emails.
  • G then S: Go to the Sent folder
    • Directly access your Sent folder to review previously sent emails.
  • G then T: Go to the Trash folder
    • Jump to the Trash folder to manage deleted emails.
  • G then D: Go to the Drafts folder
    • Navigate to the Drafts folder to continue editing drafts.
  • G then A: Go to All Folders
    • View a list of all folders for easy navigation.
  • Ctrl + Enter: Send email
    • Quickly send the currently composed email.

47. Composing and Responding Shortcuts:

  • N: New message
    • Start composing a new email quickly.
  • R: Reply
    • Respond to the selected email.
  • A: Reply All
    • Reply to the sender and all other recipients of the selected email.
  • F: Forward
    • Forward the selected email to another recipient.
  • Ctrl + Shift + C: Add CC recipients
    • Add recipients to the CC field while composing an email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + B: Add BCC recipients
    • Add recipients to the BCC field while composing an email.
  • Ctrl + S: Save draft
    • Save the current email as a draft.
  • Ctrl + Shift + J: Mark as spam
    • Flag the selected email as spam.
  • Ctrl + Shift + U: Mark as unread
    • Change the status of the selected email to unread.
  • Ctrl + Shift + A: Mark as read
    • Mark the selected email as read.
  • E: Archive
    • Archive the selected email to remove it from the Inbox.
  • Shift + 3: Delete
    • Move the selected email to the Trash folder.

48. Navigation Within Emails:

  • Tab: Move to the next element in the email
    • Navigate through different elements within an open email.
  • Shift + Tab: Move to the previous element in the email
    • Reverse navigation within an open email.
  • Ctrl +. (period): Next message in the thread
    • Move to the next email in the conversation thread.
  • Ctrl +, (comma): Previous message in the thread
    • Go to the previous email in the conversation thread.
  • Ctrl + [: Collapse conversation
    • Collapse the conversation thread to view only the latest email.
  • Ctrl + ]: Expand the conversation
    • Expand the conversation thread to view all emails in the thread.

49. Search and Filter Shortcuts:

  • / (slash): Search
    • Place the cursor in the search box for quick searching.
  • S then F: Focus on the search input field
    • Move the cursor directly to the search input box.
  • Y then O: Open the folder
    • Open the folder selector for quick navigation.
  • Y then U: Go to the folder
    • Jump directly to a specific folder using the keyboard.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F: Filter emails
    • Open the email filtering options for refining your search.

50. General Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
    • Reverse the last action in the email composition.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
    • Restore the action that was undone.
  • Ctrl + P: Print
    • Print the selected email or the currently open email.
  • Ctrl + F: Find
    • Open the search bar to find text within an open email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Show formatting options
    • Display formatting options for the currently composed email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + I: Open contact card
    • View detailed information about the sender of the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + H: Show headers
    • Display the full email headers for the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Add label
    • Assign a label to the selected email.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 8: Check spelling
    • Check the spelling of the text in the currently composed email.


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