
We are in the process of appointing an Organizing Committee Member for International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology which is scheduled to be held during July 15-16, 2024 at Prague, Czech Republic. Considering your profile, and based on your excellent continuous research in the arena of Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, we would like to take the privilege to enquire if you can join as an Organizing Committee Member for Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology-2024. It would be grateful if you could accept our invitation and take up the position.
To have a glimpse about the Conference, PS:
We want you to kindly send us the Abstract, Title of your speech, Biography and Photo to update on the conference website.
The accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference book.
I look forward to your response and would be happy to answer your queries for the position.
With Best Wishes,
Allan Margate
Conference secretary,
Whatsapp/Call: +919398156397