After Effect 100 Powerful Keyboard Shortcuts for Daily use

Effortlessly enhance your workflow in After Effects with intuitive shortcuts, seamlessly navigating through layers and effects for a more efficient and dynamic editing experience.


1. Ctrl + N (Cmd + N on Mac) – New Composition

  • Creates a new composition. Specify settings like resolution, duration, and frame rate.

2. Ctrl + I (Cmd + I on Mac) – Import File

  • Opens the Import File dialog, allowing you to import media files such as images, videos, or audio.

3. Spacebar – Play/Pause

  • Play or pause the timeline. Useful for previewing your composition.

4. B – Select Tool

  • Activates the Selection tool, allowing you to select and move layers in the composition.

5. Numpad 0 (Zero) – RAM Preview

  • Previews your composition in real-time, storing it in RAM for smoother playback.

6. Ctrl + S (Cmd + S on Mac) – Save

  • Saves the current project. It’s always a good habit to save your work regularly.

7. Ctrl + Z (Cmd + Z on Mac) – Undo

  • Undoes the last action. Useful for quickly reverting changes.

8. Ctrl + Shift + Z (Cmd + Shift + Z on Mac) – Redo

  • Redoes the last undone action.

9. Ctrl + Alt + / (Cmd + Option + / on Mac) – New Adjustment Layer

  • Creates a new adjustment layer that affects all layers beneath it in the composition.

10. Ctrl + Shift + C (Cmd + Shift + C on Mac) – Pre-compose

  • Combines selected layers into a new composition, helpful for organization and applying effects.

11. Ctrl + D (Cmd + D on Mac) – Duplicate

  • Duplicates the selected layers.

12. Ctrl + Shift + D (Cmd + Shift + D on Mac) – Split Layer

  • Splits the selected layer at the current time indicator.

13. Ctrl + Alt + Home (Cmd + Option + Home on Mac) – Move Layer to Start

  • Moves the selected layer’s in-point to the beginning of the composition.

14. Ctrl + Alt + End (Cmd + Option + End on Mac) – Move Layer to End

  • Moves the selected layer’s out-point to the end of the composition.

15. Ctrl + Shift + A (Cmd + Shift + A on Mac) – Align

  • Opens the Align panel to align selected layers spatially.

16. Ctrl + Alt + F (Cmd + Option + F on Mac) – Fit to Comp Width

  • Adjusts the selected layer’s scale to fit the width of the composition.

17. Ctrl + Alt + G (Cmd + Option + G on Mac) – Create Null Object

  • Creates a new null object, useful for controlling other layers.

18. Ctrl + R (Cmd + R on Mac) – Show/Hide Rulers

  • Toggles the visibility of rulers to help with precise placement.

19. Ctrl + ‘ (Cmd + ‘ on Mac) – Show/Hide Grid

  • Toggles the visibility of the grid for alignment purposes.

20. Ctrl + ; (Cmd + ; on Mac) – Show/Hide Layer Controls

  • Toggles the visibility of layer controls (handles) in the composition panel.

21. Ctrl + Alt + M (Cmd + Option + M on Mac) – Add to Render Queue

  • Adds the currently active composition to the render queue for exporting.

22. Ctrl + Shift + L (Cmd + Shift + L on Mac) – Open/Close Audio Panel

  • Opens or closes the audio panel, allowing you to adjust audio levels.

23. U – Show/Hide Keyframes

  • Reveals keyframes on selected layers.

24. Ctrl + K (Cmd + K on Mac) – Composition Settings

  • Opens the Composition Settings dialog, where you can adjust composition properties.

25. Ctrl + Alt + T (Cmd + Option + T on Mac) – Opacity Shortcut

  • Reveals the opacity property of a layer.

26. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H (Cmd + Option + Shift + H on Mac) – Solo Selected Layers

  • Isolates selected layers, hiding all others for focused editing.

27. Ctrl + Alt + S (Cmd + Option + S on Mac) – Scale Shortcut

  • Reveals the scale property of a layer.

28. Ctrl + Alt + P (Cmd + Option + P on Mac) – Position Shortcut

  • Reveals the position property of a layer.

29. Ctrl + Alt + R (Cmd + Option + R on Mac) – Rotation Shortcut

  • Reveals the rotation property of a layer.

30. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D (Cmd + Option + Shift + D on Mac) – Set First Vertex for Mask

  • Sets the first vertex point for a mask path.

31. Ctrl + N (Cmd + N on Mac)New Composition:

  • Opens the Composition Settings dialog, allowing you to create a new composition with specific settings such as resolution, duration, and frame rate.

32. Ctrl + Alt + N (Cmd + Option + N on Mac)New Solid:

  • Creates a new solid layer. Solids are often used for backgrounds or to apply effects.

33. Ctrl + S (Cmd + S on Mac)Save: Quickly saves your project.

  • It’s always a good habit to save your work regularly.

34. Ctrl + Z (Cmd + Z on Mac)Undo:

  • Reverts the last action you performed. Useful for quickly correcting mistakes.

35. Ctrl + Shift + Z (Cmd + Shift + Z on Mac)Redo:

  • Reapplies the action that was undone. Useful for stepping forward through your actions.

36. Ctrl + D (Cmd + D on Mac)Duplicate:

  • Creates a duplicate of the selected layer or layers.

37. Ctrl + Shift + C (Cmd + Shift + C on Mac)Pre-compose:

  • Groups selected layers into a new composition. This is useful for organizing your project and applying effects to a group of layers.

38. Ctrl + Shift + K (Cmd + Shift + K on Mac)Composition Settings:

  • Opens the Composition Settings dialog, allowing you to modify the settings of the current composition.

39. Ctrl + Shift + H (Cmd + Shift + H on Mac)Hide or Show Layer Controls:

  • Toggles the visibility of layer controls in the Composition panel.

40. Ctrl + / (Cmd + / on Mac)Toggle Expansion of Selected Layers:

  • Expands or collapses the selected layer’s properties in the Timeline panel.

41. Ctrl + Shift + D (Cmd + Shift + D on Mac)Split Layer:

Splits the selected layer at the current time indicator.

42.Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H (Cmd + Option + Shift + H on Mac)Set First Vertex:

  • When using the Pen tool, sets the first vertex of a mask.

43. Ctrl + Alt + Home (Cmd + Option + Home on Mac)Move Anchor Point to Center:

  • Moves the anchor point of a layer to the center of the layer.

44. Ctrl + Shift + A (Cmd + Shift + A on Mac)Align Tools:

  • Opens the Align panel to help align and distribute layers.

45. Ctrl + Alt + F (Cmd + Option + F on Mac)Fit to Comp Width:

  • Adjusts the zoom level of the composition panel to fit the width of the composition.

46. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Y (Cmd + Option + Shift + Y on Mac)New Null Object:

  • Creates a new null object. Null objects are often used as control layers or to group other layers.

47. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C (Cmd + Option + Shift + C on Mac)Create Orbit Null:

  • Creates a new null object and links the camera to it, allowing you to orbit around a point in 3D space.

48. Ctrl + R (Cmd + R on Mac)Toggle Rulers:

  • Shows or hides rulers in the Composition and Layer panels.

49. Ctrl + ; (Cmd +; on Mac)Toggle Title/Action Safe:

  • Toggles the visibility of title and action-safe areas to ensure your content is within safe viewing areas.

50. Ctrl + G (Cmd + G on Mac)Group Layers:

  • Groups selected layers into a new composition.

51. Ctrl + Shift + L (Cmd + Shift + L on Mac)Create Shapes from Vector Layer:

  • Converts a vector layer to a shape layer.

52. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K (Cmd + Option + Shift + K on Mac)Advanced Blending:

  • Opens the Layer Styles dialog for the selected layer.

53. Ctrl + Alt + T (Cmd + Option + T on Mac)Enable Time Remapping:

  • Activates time remapping on the selected layer, allowing you to adjust the timing of keyframes.

54. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P (Cmd + Option + Shift + P on Mac)Create Orbit Camera:

  • Creates a new camera and links it to a null object, allowing you to orbit around a point in 3D space.

55. Ctrl + Shift + L (Cmd + Shift + L on Mac)Create Light:

  • Creates a new light in the composition.

56. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S (Cmd + Option + Shift + S on Mac)Solo Selected Layer:

  • Isolates the selected layer, hiding all other layers.

57.Ctrl + Alt + W (Cmd + Option + W on Mac)Lock All Properties:

  • Locks all properties of the selected layers.

58. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T (Cmd + Option + Shift + T on Mac)Reset 3D Position:

  • Resets the position of the selected 3D layer.

59.Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M (Cmd + Option + Shift + M on Mac)Create Stereo 3D Rig:

  • Sets up a stereo 3D camera rig for creating 3D effects.

60. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C (Cmd + Option + Shift + C on Mac)Collect Files:

  • Gathers all the files used in a project and copies them to a new location, making it easy to share or archive your project.

61. Ctrl + N (Cmd + N on Mac) – New Composition

  • Opens the composition settings dialog, allowing you to create a new composition with custom dimensions, duration, and other settings.

62. Ctrl + Alt + N (Cmd + Option + N on Mac) – New Solid

  • Quickly creates a new solid layer, which is commonly used for backgrounds or as a color source.

63. Ctrl + I (Cmd + I on Mac) – Import File

  • Opens the import file dialog, letting you import various types of media (footage, images, audio) into your project.

64. Ctrl + / (Cmd + / on Mac) – Solo Selected Layers

  • Toggles the solo mode for the selected layers, allowing you to isolate and focus on specific layers during editing.

65. Ctrl + Alt + / (Cmd + Option + / on Mac) – Toggle Mask and Shape Path Visibility

  • Quickly toggles the visibility of mask and shape paths in the composition panel.

66. U – Show/Hide Keyframes

  • Reveals or hides keyframes on the selected layer, making it easier to work with animation.

67. Ctrl + D (Cmd + D on Mac) – Duplicate Selected Layers

  • Creates a duplicate of the selected layers, useful for quickly replicating elements in your composition.

68. Ctrl + Shift + C (Cmd + Shift + C on Mac) – Pre-compose

  • Opens the pre-compose dialog, allowing you to group selected layers into a new composition.

69. Ctrl + S (Cmd + S on Mac) – Save

  • Saves the current project. Regularly saving your work is essential to prevent data loss.

70. Spacebar – Play/Pause

  • – Starts or pauses playback of the composition. Useful for reviewing your animation in real-time.

71. Ctrl + N (Cmd + N on Mac)

  • New Composition: Opens the Composition Settings dialog, allowing you to create a new composition with custom dimensions, frame rate, and duration.

72. Ctrl + Alt + / (Cmd + Option + / on Mac)

  • Fit to Comp: Scales the active composition window to fit the entire composition within the viewer.

73. Spacebar

  • Preview: Press and hold to temporarily switch to the Hand tool for panning around the composition. Release to go back to the previously selected tool.

74. Ctrl + S (Cmd + S on Mac)

  • Save: Quickly saves the current project. It’s a good habit to save your work frequently to avoid losing progress.

75. Ctrl + D (Cmd + D on Mac)

  • Duplicate: Duplicates the selected layers, compositions, or effects.

76. Ctrl + Z (Cmd + Z on Mac)

  • Undo: Reverts the last action. Useful for quickly correcting mistakes.

77. Ctrl + Shift + Z (Cmd + Shift + Z on Mac)

  • Redo: Reapplies the last action that was undone.

78. Ctrl + Shift + C (Cmd + Shift + C on Mac)

  • Pre-compose: Combines selected layers into a new composition, maintaining their relative positions and properties.

79. Ctrl + Alt + F (Cmd + Option + F on Mac)

  • Adjustment Layer: Creates a new adjustment layer above the selected layers, allowing you to apply effects to multiple layers simultaneously.

80. Ctrl + R (Cmd + R on Mac)

  • Toggle Rulers: Toggles the visibility of rulers in the composition window.

81. Ctrl + (Cmd + on Mac)

  • Toggle UI Panels: Maximizes or minimizes all panels except the active one, providing a full-screen view of the composition.

82. Ctrl + K (Cmd + K on Mac)

  • Composition Settings: Opens the Composition Settings dialog for the active composition.

83. Ctrl + Shift + A (Cmd + Shift + A on Mac)

  • Deselect All: Clears the selection of any selected layers or keyframes.

84. Ctrl + Shift + D (Cmd + Shift + D on Mac)

  • Split Layer: Splits the selected layer at the current time indicator.

85. Ctrl + Alt + T (Cmd + Option + T on Mac)

  • Enable Time-Remapping: Activates time-remapping for the selected layer, allowing you to adjust the playback speed over time.

86. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H (Cmd + Option + Shift + H on Mac)

  • Show/Hide Layer Controls: Toggles the visibility of layer controls, including masks, effects, and transform properties.

87. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T (Cmd + Option + Shift + T on Mac)

  • Show/Hide Opacity: Toggles the visibility of the Opacity property for the selected layers.

88. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M (Cmd + Option + Shift + M on Mac)

  • Show/Hide All Masks: Toggles the visibility of all masks on the selected layer.

89. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E (Cmd + Option + Shift + E on Mac)

  • Show/Hide Expressions: Toggles the visibility of expressions on the selected layers.

90. U

  • Show/Hide Keyframes: Reveals or hides all keyframes on the selected layers.

91. I / O

  • Set In / Out Point: Defines the start (In) and end (Out) points for the preview range.

92. Ctrl + Alt + Home (Cmd + Option + Home on Mac)

  • Move Layer Anchor Point to the Center: Recenters the anchor point of the selected layer to the center of the composition.

93. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C (Cmd + Option + Shift + C on Mac)

  • Center in View: Centers the selected layers in the composition window.

94. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Y (Cmd + Option + Shift + Y on Mac)

  • Toggle Pixel Aspect Ratio Correction: Toggles the correction of pixel aspect ratio for selected layers.

95. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F12 (Cmd + Option + Shift + F12 on Mac)

  • Reveal Layer in Project: Highlights the selected layer in the Project panel.

96. Alt + [ / ] (Option + [ / ] on Mac)

  • Trim Comp to Work Area: Cuts the composition duration to match the work area duration.

97. Ctrl + Shift + H (Cmd + Shift + H on Mac)

  • Show/Hide Layer Handles: Toggles the visibility of layer handles, making it easier to manipulate layers.

98. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Delete (Cmd + Option + Shift + Delete on Mac)

  • Purge All Memory: Clears the memory cache used by After Effects, potentially improving performance.

99. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U (Cmd + Option + Shift + U on Mac)

  • Reset Exposure: Resets the exposure settings for the selected layers.

100. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S (Cmd + Option + Shift + S on Mac)

  • File > Save As: Opens the Save As dialog, allowing you to save a copy of the current project with a new name or location.

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